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Greek mythology monthly theme
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Add ideas here, and support! :3
Isis13 (#7537)
03-2-2012 at 8:50 AM
I really support this. It would need a little more work, but I totally support this!<br /> <br /> The companions/ items could be the creatures of myth<br /> <br /> like the:<br /> <br /> Cyclops<br /> Giants<br /> Nymphs <br /> Chimeras<br /> Gorgons<br /> Centaurs<br /> Sirens(not sure how this one would be done though)<br /> Cerberus<br /> Typhoeus(doens't have to have hundreds of heads)<br /> <br /> For background:<br /> Mount Olympus(like bunny said)<br /> the underworld<br /> Tartarus<br /> The river to the underworld<br /> Hades palace<br /> The throne in the clouds for Zues<br /> Aphrodite's clam shell <br /> <br /> Extra items:<br /> Fire(for the underworld)<br /> Hellhounds<br /> Hermes wings(on feet of dogs)<br /> Horse drawn chariot(or like ty said dog drawn)<br /> Toga Custom(bunny's idea)<br /> Aphrodite's necklace(this could be lace to represent the girdle of desire she wears.)<br /> <br /> <br /> And many more things. These are just things I can think of! :D
Bobbie (#1625)
02-25-2012 at 5:14 PM
My ideas:<br /> <br /> Chariot being pulled by the dog.<br /> ankle/wrist/head wings.
Bunny (#6883)
02-25-2012 at 5:13 PM
Supporting! You could have a Mount Olympus BG and Toga's!!! I caould name so many things!!
tea (#20864)
02-25-2012 at 5:12 PM