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Beauty Shows... Revamped!
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A little discussion in chat led to some cool ideas for making beauty contests worth everyone's time, so I figured I'd throw up a suggestion thread for some collective thoughts on the matter :D
Beauty shows were so much fun when people were actually entering them. Now, however, it's hard to get people to actually enter and get trials ran. There is also one flaw I would like to bring up, which I will do first...
Themes being ignored
As mentioned in chat themes were ignored in many many trials and someone who wasnt even trying for the theme had to win it. If there was a way for dogs to be denied or accepted to the show, that would work wonderfully to resolve this issue. For example, if the show was for papillons only and five non-paps entered, you had no choice but to pick something else. With an option where your trial has to have approved contestants, that issue would be fixed.
Now! Some ideas to spruce beauty shows up so people actually put effort into and enter such things!
1. New monthly contest where the person with the most points at the end of the month wins a monthly bag -- or some sort of item, though I think that would fit in with the idea of it being a month long contest. Or there could be 1-3rd places with all three types of monthly bags :)
These contests would have to be run special because otherwise friends could just help each other get points. So, mods/admins could volunteer to host/judge these particular contests. This would mean they couldn't enter them, however, but it would be very fun for the community, I think.
2. Better prizes awarded for regular contests as well:
The current prize is hardly worth the risk to enter a dog in a contest at the moment. I think upping the entry fee and the prize could be a solution OR allowing different types of contests to run that are more or less expensive. For example, run a contest that allows 10 entrants instead of five, first place gets 10k, entry fees are 1k, that way they are basically just winning the "cash pot" set in place for all the entrants to be in the contest. Or, it could be 9k so -some- cash is being worked out of the system :)
A 5 dog entry contest could be 500$ entry fees with a 1st place prize of 2k. Something along those lines.
3. Instead of cash prizes - point prizes instead. There could be a third type of currency added to the game, or you could receive a ticket in your inventory (hey, what about a raffle for beauty show winners?) that could be exchanged for prizes. Prizes could be monthly shop items or could be special ones made just for beauty shows. I suggested something similar to this before and I think it would be fun and would be nice for newer players to have a chance at some cool items :)
This is certainly open to any and all ideas from the community, so add away! I really just want people to be entering the contests again since it was so much fun to both judge and enter them myself when people were actually really interested when the feature first came out ^-^
Also, maybe a separate top dawg list for beauty shows, only it would be changed out every month? I think this might encourage people to enter more as well :) And maybe make the "random winner" swiped at the end of the month as well?
annd another edit...
What if instead of a flat entry/winning it goes up like trialing does? If your dog has won 10 times, for example, they can win more for winning another contest? I'd say this should only be separated into possibly three tiers, though, since people have to create them and judge them it might be hard to get them filled otherwise ^-^
Beauty shows were so much fun when people were actually entering them. Now, however, it's hard to get people to actually enter and get trials ran. There is also one flaw I would like to bring up, which I will do first...
Themes being ignored
As mentioned in chat themes were ignored in many many trials and someone who wasnt even trying for the theme had to win it. If there was a way for dogs to be denied or accepted to the show, that would work wonderfully to resolve this issue. For example, if the show was for papillons only and five non-paps entered, you had no choice but to pick something else. With an option where your trial has to have approved contestants, that issue would be fixed.
Now! Some ideas to spruce beauty shows up so people actually put effort into and enter such things!
1. New monthly contest where the person with the most points at the end of the month wins a monthly bag -- or some sort of item, though I think that would fit in with the idea of it being a month long contest. Or there could be 1-3rd places with all three types of monthly bags :)
These contests would have to be run special because otherwise friends could just help each other get points. So, mods/admins could volunteer to host/judge these particular contests. This would mean they couldn't enter them, however, but it would be very fun for the community, I think.
2. Better prizes awarded for regular contests as well:
The current prize is hardly worth the risk to enter a dog in a contest at the moment. I think upping the entry fee and the prize could be a solution OR allowing different types of contests to run that are more or less expensive. For example, run a contest that allows 10 entrants instead of five, first place gets 10k, entry fees are 1k, that way they are basically just winning the "cash pot" set in place for all the entrants to be in the contest. Or, it could be 9k so -some- cash is being worked out of the system :)
A 5 dog entry contest could be 500$ entry fees with a 1st place prize of 2k. Something along those lines.
3. Instead of cash prizes - point prizes instead. There could be a third type of currency added to the game, or you could receive a ticket in your inventory (hey, what about a raffle for beauty show winners?) that could be exchanged for prizes. Prizes could be monthly shop items or could be special ones made just for beauty shows. I suggested something similar to this before and I think it would be fun and would be nice for newer players to have a chance at some cool items :)
This is certainly open to any and all ideas from the community, so add away! I really just want people to be entering the contests again since it was so much fun to both judge and enter them myself when people were actually really interested when the feature first came out ^-^
Also, maybe a separate top dawg list for beauty shows, only it would be changed out every month? I think this might encourage people to enter more as well :) And maybe make the "random winner" swiped at the end of the month as well?
annd another edit...
What if instead of a flat entry/winning it goes up like trialing does? If your dog has won 10 times, for example, they can win more for winning another contest? I'd say this should only be separated into possibly three tiers, though, since people have to create them and judge them it might be hard to get them filled otherwise ^-^
mitch}// (#44)
06-25-2012 at 12:27 AM
Well, I think the solution to that would be for beauty show creators to just pick one breed allowed, or all breeds, or several breeds (like trialing, as someone else suggested) since MOST of the issues are people entering say, a husky in a papillon contest.<br /> <br /> Well, I'm not sure about the points. Trialing gives advantage to older players as well :) I think there would still be plenty of room for new players to make enough points to get things.
Aqua's Unkennels -Rose Paps- (#22453)
06-25-2012 at 12:08 AM
I kinda support. :3<br /> <br /> I don't think vetting entries would be a good idea by the owner, because it would kinda be like picking winners before picking a winner. Plus, this could lead to some dogs never being able to show because people didn't feel they fit the theme better than five other dogs. <br /> <br /> Maybe instead of overall points, just the points for one dog. The reason I'm suggesting this is because that contest wld give a major advantage to someone with hundreds of dogs in their kennel and a lot of money to buy expensive, intricate, or many items, whereas a newbie with a few dogs and basic items wouldn't be able to afford or be able to rack up a lot of points.
Snoweh ♥ [Gone Gone Gone] (#856)
06-24-2012 at 8:26 PM
Such great ideas, Crev! I support them all. (: I really like the ticket idea and cashing them in for prizes at a 'Beauty Show Shop', haha.
Kimchi Salad (#18071)
06-24-2012 at 7:07 PM
I like the tickets idea a lot. :) <br /> <br /> But I also think part of the reason so few people enter beauty shows is that it's rather difficult to find shows that your dogs would fit in. It's just a drop-down list, and some of those show titles don't mean a thing as far as I'm concerned. Having a place for a more thorough description, and making a thing like with agility trails so that you can exclude breeds would be a good idea.
Leafdapple (#9375)
03-17-2012 at 12:16 PM
Great ideas Crevan! You are always inspiring me, especially with Pound Project. You have my support!
casiejb (#18623)
02-18-2012 at 2:29 AM
I support, they are all wonderful ideas. I love to do beauty shows but I lose way more money than I win, I still do it for fun though ^^<br /> <br /> I love the idea of the raffle tickets for winners, *extra support*
mitch}// (#44)
01-20-2012 at 11:48 PM
I'm not sure how they are money giving, considering more money goes into the show than comes back out.<br /> <br /> It's a fun element to the game, I don't think fun things should be taken away =/
Mizzy (#11754)
01-20-2012 at 11:44 PM
"Beauty Shows... Revamped!" <br /> <br /> Sadly, my opinion on this subject is "Beauty Shows... Deleted." I feel as if they are more trouble than they're worth. By removing another "money-giving" element from Alacrity, the poor economy would be given a small boost.
Honey (#915)
01-20-2012 at 8:17 PM
Support! I loved the beauty shows, and I hate how they're so inactive right now. :(
gone (#1160)
01-20-2012 at 8:07 PM
Support, I completely forgot about Beauty Shows.
Steaks (#5484)
01-20-2012 at 7:38 PM
Support :)