is trying to
private chat with you.
Started By
I personally am getting tired of "controversial" subjects booted out of Chat A/B because some people find them unsettling.
I am suggesting a Controversial chat so that we can talk about more "adult" themes without getting shushed. "Adult themes" does not mean sexual content [as that's kinda best hidden in the adult section of the forum] but things like taxidermy, roadkill, outdoor cats, unfixed animals, etc etc are all things that are NOT 18+/ADULT but keep getting shushed in Chat when nobody is getting out of control just because the younger players don't like talking about it. I can see it having the same type of rules as Chat A/B with no swearing and if it turns into an argument, it can be sent to the debate board.. but I just hate not being able to talk about things like the above because there are children around.
If someone doesn't like talking about gore or hunting, they are 100% free to go back to Chat A or B and leave the rest of us to talk about this kind of thing maturely.
Support? Why or why not?
I am suggesting a Controversial chat so that we can talk about more "adult" themes without getting shushed. "Adult themes" does not mean sexual content [as that's kinda best hidden in the adult section of the forum] but things like taxidermy, roadkill, outdoor cats, unfixed animals, etc etc are all things that are NOT 18+/ADULT but keep getting shushed in Chat when nobody is getting out of control just because the younger players don't like talking about it. I can see it having the same type of rules as Chat A/B with no swearing and if it turns into an argument, it can be sent to the debate board.. but I just hate not being able to talk about things like the above because there are children around.
If someone doesn't like talking about gore or hunting, they are 100% free to go back to Chat A or B and leave the rest of us to talk about this kind of thing maturely.
Support? Why or why not?
Steaks (#5484)
01-2-2012 at 10:21 PM
What do you mean? You mean discuss whether or not hunting is bad? That would be more suitable for Debate board
AshTheGrouch (#7187)
01-2-2012 at 10:15 PM
I don\'t mean be upset and stop talking about it because it upsets me, as it doesn\'t really faze me even though I disagree because I have friends who hunt and what not, but I mean discuss the different sides of different topics.
Steaks (#5484)
01-2-2012 at 5:37 PM
<i>Using your hunting example I strong disagree with hunting, so if someone were to start a discussion would I be allowed to disagree in a mature fashion?</i><br /> If hunting is an upsetting topic for you, you are free to leave the chat. Other users should not have to stop a normal discussion in mature chat [if it were implemented] because someone finds it upsetting. That is the point of mature chat.
edit history
2012-01-02 14:37:42 by #5484
AshTheGrouch (#7187)
01-2-2012 at 5:08 PM
I support if one was still allowed to disagree as long as they are mature. Using your hunting example I strong disagree with hunting, so if someone were to start a discussion would I be allowed to disagree in a mature fashion?
---ƉαяκƧσиɢ--- *Still* the Ala penguin :3 (#11030)
01-2-2012 at 3:26 PM
Support :D I think it would be very useful.
Steaks (#5484)
01-2-2012 at 3:25 PM
I should mention that this chat would not be a place to say things like `I just shot a raccoon in the face!!` but things like `I just went hunting with my dad and shot a nice buck` without someone going `I HATE HUNTING!!`
Steaks (#5484)
01-2-2012 at 3:21 PM
Jingle, it`s not really. Currently we aren`t allowed to talk in chat about hunting, not letting animals roam, taxidermy, roadkill-taxidermy, death, pit bulls, etc because people get so <i>deeply upset</i> about these topics. Having a chat where we can go and talk about roadkill-taxidermy or the death of a pet without having someone saying `MY GRANDMA IS UPSET OVER THIS TOPIC!` and a mod shutting it down.
edit history
2012-01-02 12:22:51 by #5484
Sin[Rawr] (#14243)
01-2-2012 at 3:19 PM
Support!<br /> Perhaps instead of a 18+ chat, just a warning like \\\'this chat may contain mature content\\\'<br /> <br /> Clay\'s response above is exactly how I feel.<br /> This would also prevent other players from feeling uncomfortable with certain topics that others thoroughly enjoy discussing.
edit history
2012-01-02 12:24:28 by #14243
Jingle Is A Fox(An Official Jingle Fox) (#19934)
01-2-2012 at 3:19 PM
Support but i think our chats now are already mature *jingles collar around*
Skade (#9211)
12-19-2011 at 11:29 AM
Support, because walking on eggshells and having to curb ones openions because it can get you booted is really irritating -.-;
Honey (#915)
12-12-2011 at 9:44 PM
Bea1113-is a christmas tree (#15242)
12-12-2011 at 6:26 PM
Yes,yes,yes! I am also tired of the tight leash ala has on chat. I do understand the resoning behind the topics that are not to be talked about in chat (Taxidermy and such) being such. But this would solve the problems.
Tiger (#42)
12-12-2011 at 4:09 PM
If this is really a problem one could conceivably make an IRC chat room offsite and direct people, who would like to talk about things that have been asked to be taken off Ala's chat room, there.
Steaks (#5484)
10-18-2011 at 10:16 PM
Ahhh that is a perfect way to put it, Ava.<br /> Walking on eggshells.
Avianahelena (#3540)
10-18-2011 at 10:15 PM
Support. I have largely stopped logging onto Alacrity because having to walk on eggshells to avoid making anyone 'uncomfortable' deeply upsets me. I can't count the number of times I've read along with a conversation that really interested me, only to have a mod step in and shut it down on the grounds that it might offend some delicate soul who happens by. Having a chat where people are allowed to discuss more sensitive topics would be fantastic.
12oddball (#8388)
10-18-2011 at 10:13 PM
support :3
Nafia's Side (#7514)
10-15-2011 at 9:30 PM
Oh. I meant forums lol. It's good especially for those who want freedom.
Steaks (#5484)
10-15-2011 at 8:25 PM
Well Nafia, I didn't really mean nobody under 18 could enter, I was just trying to stress the point that mature subjects would be discussed there
Nafia's Side (#7514)
10-15-2011 at 8:19 PM
Support! I can't go to 18+ chat because I'm not 18 but it is still fun!
Tabby. (#6338)
10-5-2011 at 8:09 AM
Support. :P<br />