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Over Popultation Prevention
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It seems there is a lot of pets for sale lately espically with the new dog breed. I have an idea about how to help this. On a calander i got it said feburary was national prevent a litter month what if we did this here to? There could be no breeding for a month, that would give time to get things down a little and help the economy. And find something to do to users who do breed during that time like fine them or something.

10-7-2011 at 4:09 PM
No support.

10-7-2011 at 1:36 PM
No support. Especially the Fining part. That would hurt user who wouldn't know that and it would be unfair.

10-4-2011 at 7:58 PM
No support.

08-26-2011 at 11:02 PM
No support.

08-26-2011 at 10:50 PM
If we were to say "no breedings for one month", as soon as that month is up people would be mass-breeding their dogs for higher $$. Doing exactly the opposite of "overpopulation prevention"

08-26-2011 at 9:57 PM
No support. Some trainers prefer buying their dogs when they are very young. No breedings for a month would hurt them

08-26-2011 at 7:18 PM
No support.

08-26-2011 at 7:08 PM
No support.

08-26-2011 at 6:58 PM
No support. That's how I make $$


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