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Confirm Alert On Thread Reporting
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I having real issues with the 'Report Thread' button. I keep accidently clicking it but as it has not 'Did You Mean To Report' alert, once I realise Ive made this mistake its too late!

Poor Mods have better things to do than chase after errors

So I suggest an alert added to this button :P

05-25-2011 at 2:54 AM
Support :)

05-24-2011 at 4:02 AM
Support. I've done it once or twice.

05-24-2011 at 3:49 AM
I agree

05-24-2011 at 3:35 AM
Yes, same with the report PM button. I was conversing with someone and I woke up to them informing me that they accidentally reported me. They got it sorted before I had even woke up but I'm going to be the next person to accidentally report someone because I'm a klutz like that. <br /> <br /> I also agree the mods have better things to do, it probably happens a lot more than we imagine.

05-23-2011 at 8:54 AM
I agree with this. It's happened to me already.


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