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A Masquerade Themed Monthly Shop!!
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What would you guys think of a Masquerade Themed Monthly Shop? Please support! Post ideas!
We could have pretty dresses, tuxes, amazing Masks, Ballroom BGs! Help me out with ideas!!
We could have pretty dresses, tuxes, amazing Masks, Ballroom BGs! Help me out with ideas!!
Rix (#16934)
09-28-2012 at 9:16 AM
I'm liking this, I'd really love to see a masquerade on Ala and such, but, really the only things I can think of for it is BG's and accessories. :/ That's not really what the team wants, since both of those are difficult to accomplish
Mizzy (#11754)
03-8-2012 at 5:19 PM
Hmmm... let me thi-YES!<br /> <br /> I would absolutely love a Masquerade theme!
Isis13 (#7537)
03-2-2012 at 10:06 AM
O this idea sounds fun!<br /> <br /> Though I don't know about the full body outfits. so it may not be possible. Maybe not a monthly theme, but some new items in the shop, we have the pearoostermask, more would be nice to see