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In addition to the "money problem" on Alacrity, I have come up with an idea to help lower the money and help rescues.

My idea is a "Donation" feature in the drop down list on Life or Earthly Goods.

The idea is one person goes there and selects a reasonable amount of their money.

The money from there is split in half. The first half is removed from the game and the rest on anonymously sent to a trusted raffle, project or rescue like the Newbie Raffle or Pound Project or newbies to help start off.

There should also be some list or competition to get others to participate like a Top 10 Most Donators or a congratulations from an Admin about it to get more people even more wanting to help support.

Additional Suggesions?:

Additional Problems?:

02-24-2012 at 9:20 PM
No support ~ sorry. I just don't see anyone willingly delete their Ala Cash. And if they truely wish to donate, they would do it directly to the Rescue they trust most.

02-23-2012 at 9:29 PM
Kaitie, probably the ones owned by multiple people or trusted ones, such as the Pound Project or the Newbie Raffle. <br /> <br /> Both are good points opposing my idea, the people of the Pound Project and Newbie Raffle usually get things from Main Shops and the Pound, which all get deleted nonetheless. Maybe reduce the amount deleted to only a fraction? That would still affect it but not as much.

02-23-2012 at 7:49 PM
I could also just donate to that one 'charity' also as opposed to going through some system. How also would it be decided which charities would get it? It would be a little different if they were 'official' like being owned by the site as opposed to just players.. Iunno. Like I said, its interesting but I don't think it would work

02-23-2012 at 7:33 PM
I just don't think people are going to want to willingly throw away $$ [literally]<br /> :(<br /> If they did, they would be sending $$ to Robyn to be disposed of.

02-22-2012 at 10:45 PM
Yes but most get drowned out, especially by others who post a lot and I hardly see my own adverts. What my point is is that this can get rid of some site money while helping charities and potentially giving out items based on donation amount.

02-22-2012 at 8:34 PM
Advertisements are great ways to get rescues/charities/whatever noticed

02-22-2012 at 2:41 PM
I have seen that problem as donating by yourself to the rescue. Although some helping rescues don't get attention like one I worked at that closed because no one saw it but the donation can get those as long as they know the money won't be used for personal reasons.

02-21-2012 at 8:48 PM
Eh I'm not so sure.. I wouldn't contribute to something like this ^^;. Not sure how others would feel about it. It's an interesting idea and everything though!

02-21-2012 at 5:35 PM
Hehh I dunno how popular this would be. people could just donate $$ to those places as is w/out losing money
edit history
2012-02-21 14:36:10 by #5484

02-20-2012 at 6:24 PM
Sonethig could be if you donate enough you can get a random item rarity depending on how much.


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