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Professional Trial Runner perk [Being Reworked]
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Just a warning: This is a wee bit out of date; I'm going to update it as soon as I can :D

There's one for the trainers, one for the breeders, but nothing for the trialers.
Gracie suggested in my post about vaccination perks a Trialing perk.

What comes in the Trial Runner's perk is:
The ability to create more trials, regardless of account status [edit: Basics can get 3 trials at once; upgrades get 10 trials at once]
Vaccinations that last twice as long
Discounted Entry fees; maybe $3 per trial win instead of $5 per trial win?
A trial score bonus; maybe +5 or +10 to the trial score?
Being able to enter MORE than 2 dogs per trial
Feel free to suggest additional perks to be added for Trial runners or modifications to the current ideas. Everything will be edited in :3

Visions Idea: Marking dogs as trialers to make vaccinations easier
Aussie's Idea: Marking more than one dog to enter a trial at a time; Shows can be made in increments of 4 instead of 3 to match a dog's full energy levels; saving trial settings (Name, level, breeds)

~Marie agrees with the trial creations
Evlon's idea: "Trial all in level" option; Vaccinate Trial/Show dogs over Vaccinate All

kidstuff's idea: private trials
Sheepdog's idea: Professional Competitor (Trials AND Beauty Shows)

08-3-2011 at 1:44 AM
I'm not a big trialer, but I do admit this would be super duper helpful. You have my support. :)

08-3-2011 at 1:40 AM
Thanks guys :D

08-3-2011 at 1:40 AM
I support this!

08-3-2011 at 1:26 AM
I support this.

08-2-2011 at 11:04 PM
Agree. I haven't trialed much, yet, but I'm definitely all for the idea of a trialer's perk. =3

08-2-2011 at 10:45 PM
Support! <3

08-2-2011 at 10:39 PM
Support! :3

08-2-2011 at 9:49 PM
support :)<br /> and another thing...I would love to see an option for private trial or public. Basically if I want to trial my dogs across my two accounts I can do that without someone's else jumping while I'm trying to add my dogs. Especially when I trial my customs or foundations and someone with over TP 2000 jumps into.. It can be done just by private trials not showing up on main trial page
edit history
2011-08-02 12:00:48 by #14041
2011-08-02 12:00:06 by #14041

08-2-2011 at 9:45 PM
I support. Will be continuously bumping this. :)

08-2-2011 at 9:20 PM
I support, even though I don't trial regularly. I like the new vet features that we have.

08-2-2011 at 9:19 PM
Support Suppost Support a Million times support,

08-2-2011 at 9:18 PM
Support :3

08-2-2011 at 9:17 PM

07-31-2011 at 6:30 AM
Support! &lt;33

07-31-2011 at 3:15 AM
I think since this fell back a bit in the pages, it went unnoticed; let's aim to make it the next feature, eh? ;D

07-30-2011 at 10:19 PM
To be honest I would have much rather seen this today than the Vet Perk - but I'll wait and hope. :-)

06-28-2011 at 4:58 AM
Support :)

06-24-2011 at 1:12 AM
Support! I trial my dogs everyday, at least 20 of them 4-8 times a day. And I constantly have to ask for Scooby, Dogbert and Odie trials.

06-14-2011 at 10:50 PM
Support! I've just recently started trialing like crazy, but it's frustrating how long it takes to vaccinate/create/enter trials...

06-14-2011 at 8:52 PM
I support :) <br /> There needs to be an easier way for vaccinations;<br /> With discounted entry fees I think people would be more likely to trial lower TP dogs again;<br /> And being able to create more than three trials would be nice so they don't run out so fast, even for people who don't fill them all up with their own dogs.


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