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Lovely Real Life Babies (Post your own!)
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Here at Prized Pups forum category, we have many threads to show off our collections of many kinds...
We have customs, ghosts, low IDs and glitched collections...
So what are we missing?

That's right! we're missing a thread for our real life LOVELY pets!

Now before moving on, let me warn you of Forum Rule number two!
2) Images posted in a thread should not stretch the page.
Therefore "if a picture is larger than the page, the image should be resized or a link should used. "

Keep that in mind and you'll be fine!

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What you can do here!

• Admire beautiful pets
• Learn more about different pets
• Present and be proud of your babies
• Discuss and give advice
• Have fun!

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Presenting your pets!
Let's all do this in a nice and organized fashion shall we? C':
Here on this thread we'd love to learn more about YOUR pets!

Here's a basic posting format!

Name of Pet

This is only the basic skeleton of how you present your pets! Feel free to add more or take things away as you see fit! Remember forum rule number 2! Images posted in a thread should not stretch the page!
Recommended size for this thread would be: Width 476, Height 316 pixels

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Illu's Pet!

Name: Shushi
Gender: Female
Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Age: 4 years old (2012)
Color: Salt and pepper
Interesting Facts:
• Originally her coat was pure black and white, through the years it kind of faded O.O
• Favorite toy is a squeaky horse toy (poor thing...)
• Deathly scared of boxes
• Worships my dad
• Won't do tricks until she sees treats OTL
About: Shushi was bought in 2008 as a four month old puppy, about the size of her small donut toy! We were very excited as she would be our very first dog companion ever *U* Few weeks later she was diagnosed with a serious sickness and went into operation. Luckily she survived C': she's as healthy and happy as ever now!

Shushi, like all Schnauzers, is very, very smart. But smart in a sneaky way, she knows we can't resist her eyes and always uses them to woo my father into treating her with food xD When we're not around she claims the couches and leaps onto tables to steal leftover food. She's very lazy and spends most of the day lying in her bed and staring at us. The stubborn dog also refuses to learn any more tricks, therefore only knows how to give a paw, high-five, dance and lie down. Despite her lazy personality, she's a very gentle and kind dog (only to humans though...) and will always hold a special place in my heart C':

11-20-2016 at 10:29 AM
<img>https://scontent-waw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12974422_10208099880329057_6421912771648337777_n.jpg?oh=dec0b0e0857d3f91aa1c836f2342c064&oe=588B4D7A&lt;/img><br /> <br /> <b>Name:</b> Aika<br /> <b>Gender:</b> Female<br /> <b>Breed:</b> Rough Collie<br /> <b>Age:</b> 2 years in january 2017.<br /> <b>Color:</b> Zobel<br /> <b>Interesting Facts: </b> For some reason she is scared of wooden floors :P<br /> <br /> <br><br><br /> <img>https://scontent-waw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13619941_10208700046892846_7177502551195394066_n.jpg?oh=f505034a22f68a0f66e52fa726f33619&oe=58C5A0D1&lt;/img><br /> <br><br /> <b>Name:</b> Kate<br /> <b>Gender:</b> Female<br /> <b>Breed:</b> Holland Lop<br /> <b>Age:</b> almost 1.<br /> <b>Interesting Facts: </b> She is a free roaming rabbit. Right now she lives in the house with the rest of us, but when the weather gets warmer she is going to have the garden to jump around in :)
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2016-11-20 07:30:58 by #41687

12-29-2013 at 8:44 PM
Who giant images. I'll post different ones soon!
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2013-12-29 17:44:37 by #26937

08-20-2013 at 1:27 PM
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2015-07-17 21:04:29 by #19811

08-12-2013 at 4:09 PM
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2015-07-17 21:03:47 by #19811
2015-07-17 21:00:03 by #19811

08-11-2013 at 6:44 PM
Most of my pets are on my DeviantArt account, DisturbingFrequency. :) I have 32, lol. <br /> <br /> http://disturbingfrequency.deviantart.com/

06-22-2013 at 1:45 PM
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/bwuQAAj.jpg?1"><br /> <b>Name:</b> Kuro; A.K.A. Nyako, Nyako-sama, Nya-sama<br /> <b>Gender:</b> Female<br /> <b>Age:</b> 16 or 17 years<br /> <b>Color:</b> Black, white came with age<br /><b>Interesting Facts:</b> She was the runt of the litter, she is afraid of living fish, and will not go outside even if the door is left open.<br /> <b>About:</b> I consider her a sibling, not a pet, as I grew up with her. She was born in Hawaii, but currently resides in the continental U.S. She's the only "cat" that I would be willing to die of allergies for if I had to, because I adore her just that much. (>w&lt;)b
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2013-06-22 10:47:48 by #2561
2013-06-22 10:47:15 by #2561

04-21-2013 at 12:22 PM
<img src="https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/35459_636208829726126_553770837_n.jpg" width=473><br /> <b>Name of Pet</b>: Juniper -as in the blue berry. When we got her from the shelter, she was named Zion.<br /> <b>Gender</b>: Female, and while she's under two years old, she's already had a litter of puppies before we got her.<br /> <b>Breed</b>: Her adoption papers say terrier mix, but we all know what that stands for. She's pitbull and some type of recessive retriever. (I doubt it's a golden or lab, because they tend to be more dominate with features) She does have webbed feet (Hence my retriever assumption)<br /> <b>About her</b>: When we got her, she already knew how to sit and shake, but it wasn't taught with a clicker, so being the obsessive trainer I am, it's been a challenge getting her to do anything with a clicker. >.&lt; Right now, because we just got her in February of 2013 (Not long ago) I wanted to strengthen her basic commands before we move onto anything more challenging. She know sit, and will sit if I tell her to, down's been the challenging on. Occasionally she'll lay down if I tell her to, but for the most part, I have to actually get down and signal her. June'll walk by my side if she's wearing her prong collar and we're working to get rid of it with a martingale, but we're not quite there yet. People that come into the house and see me working with her are somewhat amazing when she goes from being the most obedient dog inside that walks forwards and backwards at my side to a dog that couldn't care less outside. We just got to the point where she'll actually sit when I tell her to outside, and that's very rare for her to do when there's distractions. She's a pit, so people tend to cross the road if they have children or other dogs, but she's not dog aggressive. At all. In fact, the other day, I was at the park with her, and after a long day, she met up with a husky friend (who was 13 and didn't really want to play) and just sniffed her, tried to play, and walked away. That same day, there was a weimaraner off leash with a schutzhund trainer nearby and I was coming out of a heavily wooded path and didn't really see him in time to stand clear, but he called his dog to his side and put a leash on, and we talked for a moment and slowly let the dogs meet and his dog just flipped out and started growling and snapping and she just shrugged it off calmly and walked on, leaving him embarrased that his dog snapped like that. I was laughing because there was a couple that was walking with him with a golden and once they saw his dog snap, the started walking the other way. XD She's loves the park, she loves the water (as long as she doesn't have to swim or get a bath, she loves to dig, she enjoys her tug rope, and absolutely loves tennis balls. And something that I just discovered, she goes nuts for kites. Even if she can't reach them, because she's got such strong legs, she can jump +7 ft over and over trying to get at a kite.

12-13-2012 at 4:26 AM
<a href=http://www.alacritysim.com/forums.php?boardid=11364&category=Prized%20Pups rel=nofollow><img src=http://i.imgur.com/dzbu8.jpg alt= /></a><br /> Name of Pet~Tally<br /> Gender~Female<br /> Breed~Jack Russell Terrier<br /> Age~ 3 years, three months, 2 days, add or take a few hours <br /> Interesting facts~ She always raises her right back leg going down the stairs cause as a puppy before we got her (she was 6 months when I got her) She broke that leg and was in a cast for a month or two. Also she has the weirdest growl if you aggravate her<br /> Others~ She always listens, until we need her too...
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2012-12-13 01:26:57 by #26726

11-26-2012 at 6:48 AM
<img src="http://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/283482_10150387699588362_6194150_n.jpg"> <br /> <img src="http://sphotos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/544738_10151170404638362_1548800453_n.jpg><br /> <img src="http://sphotos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/301100_10150402268653362_5441032_n.jpg"><br /> <img src="http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/524354_426941017358412_1142279623_n.jpg"><br /> Name: Poppet or Puppy<br /> <br /> Gender: Female<br /> <br /> Breed: Yorkshire terrier X Lhasa apso<br /> <br /> Age: 1 year 6 months<br /> <br /> Color; Silvers and light tan with a black tail but she used to be black and tan as you can see in the pictures<br /> <br /> Interesting Facts: She knows Sit lay down and roll over, wait, heel, come jump and attack <br /> <br /> About: Puppy is our 3rd dog, she is boistrious but also very cuddly and loves to sleep under the duvet.<br /> <br /> <img src="http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/578382_376986295687218_1008314174_n.jpg"><br /> Name; Oliver aka Oli Olive Oyee<br /> <br /> Gender; Female <br /> <br /> Breed; not sure she was a rescue cat <br /> <br /> Age; 15 years<br /> <br /> Colour; Calico, brown white and black<br /> <br /> About; She's a grumpy old cat who hates being waken up and loves attention<br /> <br /> Sorry about all the pics!
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2012-11-26 03:49:20 by #27179

11-23-2012 at 12:14 PM
Sorry if this is huge, I don't mean for the pic to be!<br /> <img src=http://i.imgur.com/IE9jF.jpg>&lt;/img><br /> <br /> <b>Name:</b> The Great Rambino, aka Rambo.<br /> <b>Gender:</b> Male.<br /> <b>Breed:</b> Pitbull Mix x Whippet<br /> <b>Age:</b> Just over a year.<br /> <b>Color:</b> Orange, White, Brown. I say orange because he looks a lot different in person than in pictures, he honestly has a very noticeable orange tint to him. But if you don't like that i'd say tawny/brown. :P<br /> <br /> <b>Interesting Facts:</b><br /> -Knows a lot of commands! Sit, lay down, up, stay, be gentle, shake, pound it, off, up, don't jump, don't bark, leave it, no. There are a few others but those aren't really important. :P<br /> -HATES HATES HATES the vet. With a fiery passion.<br /> -Has trouble with barking and jumping on people, but is getting a lot better.<br /> -Recently started being a very bad dog, jumping over the back yard fence and not coming back when called. Worrisome because we live right next to a busy rode, so now we just tie him out front if he needs to go potty.<br /> -Was the fattest of his siblings! <br /> -Loves squeaky toys the most, but also loves to play fetch.<br /> <br /> <b>About:</b><br /> Got him for free from a guy down the road, he was covered in fleas and had no shots and still had puppy worms. :( A few of his siblings got taken to the pound and I grabbed him before he could get taken. He was the largest of his litter and the only one with white, he looked absolutely nothing like them so I wish I had saved his number to figure out if he knew where some of them went.

11-23-2012 at 12:03 PM
<img src="http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/282379_530801273613852_1956798722_n.jpg" border="0" height="316" width="476"><br /> <b>Name of Pet</b> Wednesday. &lt;3<br /> <b>Gender</b> Female<br /> <b>Breed</b> Unknown<br /> <b>Others</b> I rescued Wednesday, when she was about 4 months old. I didn't name her Wednesday, when she was almost killed some church found her and was going to keep her at the church. I recently lost my favorite cat and decided to go save this cat. :) &lt;3 <br /> <br /> <img src="http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/61898_542708999089746_1470174986_n.jpg" border="0" height="316" width="476"><br /> <br /> <b>Name</b> Autumn<br /> <b>Gender</b> Female<br /> <b>Breed</b> Unknown<br /> <b>Others</b> When my two cats Roxy and Jerry both passed away, I got Autumn and Pepper to replace them. <br /> <br /> *Pepper's he is the cat that is missing and Wednesday is his replacement*<br /> <br /> <img src="http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/521707_530724206954892_637311071_n.jpg" border="0" height="316" width="476"><br /> <br /> <b>Name</b> Diego<br /> <b>Gender</b> Male <br /> <b>Breed</b> Yorkie x Chihuahua<br /> <b>Others</b> Diego, was a replacement for Buddy our Chihuahua mix for my little brother. <br /> <br /> *Buddy, he was killed <br /> <br /> <img src="http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/30217_122597414427793_7608822_n.jpg" border="0" height="316" width="476"><br /> <br /> <b>Name</b> Chopper<br /> <b>Gender</b> Male <br /> <b>Breed</b> Catahoula Hound x American Bull Dog <br /> <b>Others</b> Chopper, is one of the oldest dogs we have ever had. We have had him since he was a puppy. Right now he is about 10 years old, and he has the prettiest eyes ever! &lt;3 The right eye is solid blue and his left eye is brown on top and blue on bottom.<br /> <br /> <img src="http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/398200_402066663153981_508800410_n.jpg" border="0" height="316" width="476"><br /> <br /> <b>Name</b> Joe<br /> <b>Gender</b> Male <br /> <b>Breed</b> Boxer x Pitbull <br /> <b>Others</b> One of the weirdest dogs, I have ever known. XD<br /> <br /> <img src="http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/163117_1501861476539_3309602_n.jpg" border="0" height="316" width="476"><br /> <br /> { Sorry, I couldn't find a better picture of him XD }<br /> <br /> <b>Name</b> Pugsley<br /> <b>Gender</b> Male <br /> <b>Breed</b> Boston Terrier (Full Blooded)<br /> <b>Others</b> This is my mom's baby. XD<br /> <br />

11-23-2012 at 7:42 AM
sorry for double posting
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2012-11-23 04:43:10 by #19422
2012-11-23 04:42:33 by #19422

11-23-2012 at 7:38 AM
<a href="http://s1150.beta.photobucket.com/user/Nouky101/library/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o603/Nouky101/smartcard-backside019jackie.jpg" border="0" alt="smartcard-backside019jackie"/></a><br /> <br /> <strong>Name: </strong> Jackie<br /> <strong>Age :</strong> Almost 3 years now<br /> <strong>Gender : </strong>Male<br /> <strong>Breed :</strong>Labrador Retriever<br /> <strong>A little about him :</strong> He is the most loving and frigiving dog you will find. He is always jolly and happy and loves to meet new people. :)
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2012-11-23 04:41:56 by #19422

11-22-2012 at 7:34 PM
<img src="http://i1139.photobucket.com/albums/n549/sheltieluver101/Dogs/Blue-1-1.jpg"><br /> <br /> Name: Blue<br /> <br /> Gender: Male<br /> <br /> Age: 2<br /> <br /> Breed: Shetland Sheepdog<br /> <br /> Color: Blue Merle w/ Tan points<br /> <br /> Other: Blue is the awesomest dog &lt;3 He has competed in Rally for the first time and all of the scores where over 90! Aaaand he got his first Title! He will be competing in Agility on December 2nd. Hopefully he will do good like always &lt;3 Anyway, he is deaf. He was born deaf and his old owners were going to put him down cause nobody wanted him. But the owner asked the vet first to see if anybody wanted him(The vet was my sisters friend and she was staying at my house for awhile cause she needed a place to stay). Soo she brought him home and I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him. Just to make the story short, I got him for an early Christmas present &lt;3<br /> ------------------------<br /> <img src="http://i1139.photobucket.com/albums/n549/sheltieluver101/Dogs/Chase-1-1.jpg"><br /> <br /> Name: Chase<br /> <br /> Gender: Male<br /> <br /> Age: almost 9 months<br /> <br /> Breed: Border Collie<br /> <br /> Color: Black and White w/ Tan points<br /> <br /> Other: Chase has the most sweetest/funniest personality. He knows over 10 tricks already &lt;3 I taught him to Play Dead when he was 4 months old. Chase will be in Agility, Herding, Rally and possibly Obedience. Anyway, his old name used to be Seven cause he was the last one born. And he almost died when he was a newborn cause he had trouble breathing :c But he made it &lt;3<br /> -----------<br /> <br /> <img src="http://i1139.photobucket.com/albums/n549/sheltieluver101/Dogs/409361_10151260429200874_1356374802_n-1.jpg"><br /> Blue and Chase &lt;3<br /> <br /> <a href="http://youtu.be/216J9Zirzko">This</a> is a video of Chase herding for the first time :3
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2012-11-22 16:40:30 by #14263
2012-11-22 16:38:39 by #14263

11-17-2012 at 2:59 PM
<img src=C:\Users\pickles\Pictures\Sketch at 8 weeks old.jpg><br /> <br /> Name of Pet:Sketch<br /> Gender:Male<br /> Breed:Holland Lop X Netherland Dwarf<br /> Other:He is only 5 pounds and loves to snuggle everything! Picture isn't working at the moment so I will describe my baby.First of all he is a bunny.He is white with blue points(Gray).Hopefully I can get photobucket working again.
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2012-11-17 12:06:11 by #18170

11-9-2012 at 12:45 AM
<img src="http://i47.tinypic.com/eb397o.jpg"><br /> <b>Name:</b> Minky aka Mink, Babycat, Baby, Ghosty<br /> <b>Gender:</b> Female<br /> <b>Breed:</b> Siamese<br /> <b>Age:</b> 1y 6mo<br /> <b>Fun Fact:</b> Likes biting the other cats throats at random<br /> <br /> <img src="http://i47.tinypic.com/5p1svq.jpg"><br /> <b>Name:</b> Timmy aka Tim, Timbo<br /> <b>Gender:</b> Male<br /> <b>Breed:</b> Oriental Longhair<br /> <b>Age:</b> 13 or 14<br /> <b>Fun Fact:</b> Is Red's brother and has half a tail :D It was pulled off while the vet was assisting his mother givnig birth.<br /> <br /> <img src="http://i48.tinypic.com/mv2flw.jpg"><br /> <b>Name:</b> Red aka Reddog, Reddy<br /> <b>Gender:</b> Male<br /> <b>Breed:</b> Oriental Longhair<br /> <b>Age:</b> 13 or 14<br /> <b>Fun Fact:</b> Loves everybody and everything and would try to snuggle with a rabid dog if he got the chance.<br /> <br /> <img src="http://i47.tinypic.com/14aakk9.jpg"><br /> <b>Name:</b> Habeeb aka Beeby, Habeeby<br /> <b>Gender:</b> Female<br /> <b>Breed:</b> Budgie/Parakeet<br /> <b>Age:</b> 1 or 2<br /> <b>Fun Fact:</b> When I got Habeeb, I couldn't think of a name. The word "habeeb" (a term coined by 4chan) made me laugh so I started calling her that until I could think of a name. I couldn't think of one and it stuck, so her name is Habeeb.<br /> <br /> <img src="http://i50.tinypic.com/2zew07l.jpg"><br /> <b>Name:</b> Bella<br /> <b>Gender:</b> Unknown (cere is not bright pink like a male albino's which leads me to believe she's female, and has never gone crusty, which makes me believe she's a male. I'm a good bird-dad though and I say she can be whatever she wants)<br /> <b>Breed:</b> Budgie/Parakeet<br /> <b>Age:</b> 4 or 5<br /> <b>Fun Fact:</b> Bella is albino and hates my guts<br />
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2012-11-08 21:50:38 by #5484
2012-11-08 21:47:40 by #5484

11-8-2012 at 9:13 AM
<img src=http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7217/7379143304_5814edbeca_n.jpg><br /> <br /> <img src=http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7229/7379178870_3a2dbf048a_n.jpg><br /> <br /> <img src=http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8020/7207676114_75f4a57eeb_n.jpg><br /> <br /> <img src=http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7080/6870843002_20e5e09679_n.jpg><br /> <br /> <img src=http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7270/7016936429_9b707480bf_n.jpg><br /> <br /> <br /> <b>Name of Pet:</b> Motyka Lee Dallas (Motyka or 'Teek' for short!)<br /> <br /> <b>Gender:</b> Male!<br /> <br /> <b>Breed:</b> Mid-Content Wolfdog. Vancouver Island Wolf x Siberian Husky, to be exact. c:<br /> <br /> <b>Fun Fact:</b> Motyka can say "banana", "apple", and "I love you" and they all sound like what he's trying to say!<br /> <br /> <b>About:</b> I first saw Motyka in person when he was 6 weeks old, and took him home the day he turned 7 weeks. As a dog trainer, I was looking for a challenge, and let me tell you, I sure got one! NOT a type of dog I would ever recommend to anybody without at least 10 years of dog training experience. ;)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

10-5-2012 at 2:51 PM
<img src="http://i933.photobucket.com/albums/ad178/i_heart_dakota/Second/30mbs007.jpg"> <br /> <b>Name of Pet:</b><br /> Dakota<br /> <br /> <b>Gender:</b> <br /> Male<br /> <br /> <b>Breed:</b><br /> German Shepherd/Labrador Retriever mix<br /> <br /> <b>Fun Fact:</b><br /> His personal best in dock jumping is 22'7<br /> <br /> <b>About:</b><br /> Dakota's 3 years old, and he's my heart dog. Hands down, fits me to a T. <br /> <br /> He's very versatile, competing in dock jumping, coursing/racing, obedience, and we've trained for other sports like Schutzhund, nosework, weight pulling, hunt tests, agility, but there are no clubs/events that are close enough for us to further pursue them. <br /> <br /> He's a very smart boy and he doesn't like to sit around, he wants to be doing something and will work all day long. He's very prey driven, and intense when he gets on something.<br /> <br /> <br /> And he's my service dog :) I'm a Type 1 Diabetic, he's training to alert to low blood sugar right now and has already had 6 successful alerts! He also knows a generalized retriever, as well as retrieving specific items I may need (test kit, phone, lunchpale), finds my grandmother on command, and barks continually to alert my grandmother.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <img src="http://www.dakonicphotography.com/Pets/Dogs/Alice/i-ps9LxbP/0/S/Recent-075-S.png"> <br /> <b>Name of Pet:</b><br /> Alice<br /> <br /> <b>Gender:</b> <br /> Female<br /> <br /> <b>Breed:</b><br /> American Pit Bull Terrier <br /> <br /> <b>Fun Fact:</b><br /> Alice was named after the Resident Evil character <br /> <br /> <b>About:</b><br /> Alice is a very people oriented dog, she loves meeting new people and hates to make anyone upset. She enjoys crazy children that make me want to run away in terror. <br /> <br /> She's very athletic and just loves to run, run, run. Pushes herself into your lap for lovin's and makes the weirdest sounds when she gets excited.<br /> <br /> We've dabbled in the few sports that are offered locally, but she's still not a big fan of the water, nor can she swim quite yet. (well not effectively anyhow, she tries to swim vertically) <br /> <br /> I've done nosework with her, and she really enjoys it!<br /> Here's a Youtube video of her and Dakota doing some fun nosework at home :) <br /> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXdXLW17elo<br /> <br /> They've been doing very will with boxes! They started a few weeks after that, now it's one of their favorite games to play :)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <img src="http://www.dakonicphotography.com/Pets/Reptiles/Ryuk/i-XG2ns9F/0/M/RyuksBirthday-003-M.jpg"> <br /> <b>Name of Pet:</b><br /> Ryuk<br /> <br /> <b>Gender:</b> <br /> Male<br /> <br /> <b>Breed:</b><br /> Corn Snake(Red Rat Snake_<br /> <br /> <b>Fun Fact:</b><br /> Yes, Ryuk was named after the Death Note character :P<br /> <br /> He's a ghost morph<br /> <br /> <b>About:</b><br /> <br /> Ryuk's a 1 year old ghost Corn Snake, I got him from LLLreptile December of last year. <br /> <br /> He was a little spitfire at first, but calmed down and after regular handling he'd sit on my shoulder for several hours while I browsed the interwebs.<br /> <br /> He's a favorite at one of our local family owned pet stores, the girls always request to see him. :P

09-29-2012 at 8:11 PM
<center><img src="http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y487/AxGailxJ/Memories%20of%20Mister/046_zpsd11f2c0d.jpg" border=0><br /> <br /> <img src="http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y487/AxGailxJ/Memories%20of%20Mister/047_zpsc93854a7.jpg" border=0></b><br /> <br /> This is Mister ♥ He's my little farm kitten and is two and a half months old. He has a strange foot fetish (loves to bite your toes/feet) and enjoys licking my eyelashes while I'm trying to sleep. I like to refer to him as a walking comedy show. :-)
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2012-09-29 17:12:12 by #16

09-29-2012 at 6:56 PM
<center><img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/shadowwolf2028/Coast%202011/101_0722-1.jpg><br /> <b>Name:</b> Draco<br /> <b> Gender:</b> Male<br /> <b> Breed:</b> German Shepherd x Lab<br /> <b>Age:</b> 4 years old<br /> <b>About:</b> I got Draco locally from a farm, both of his parents were working line dogs. He was a litter that wasn't suppose to happen but I'm glad it did! Draco's pulled through a lot of unfortunate circumstances and is still going strong. He is technically my first dog. He's a nut case and I love him to death.<br /> <br /> <img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/shadowwolf2028/Coast%202011/atthecoast121.jpg><br /> <b>Name:</b> Lucy<br /> <b> Gender:</b> Female<br /> <b>Breed:</b> American Cocker Spaniel<br /> <b>Age:</b> 9 Years<br /> <b>About:</b> Lucy was purchased from a breeder by my mother as a mothers day present to herself. xD I pretty much took Lucy over from there, though she is very bonded to both of us. Lucy is a quick little dog and very bright. She'll do almost anything for food. And that's her only flaw, this dog will find any food left out within her reach, I swear! But she's a doll and I'd have another cocker spaniel in a heart beat.<br /> <br /> <img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/shadowwolf2028/101_1280-1.jpg><br /> <b>Name:</b>Kiba<br /> <b>Gender:</b> Male<br /> <b>Breed:</b> Ferret<br /> <b>Age: </b> 6 months<br /> <b>About:</b> Kiba is my very first ferret. I've had him for three months now and already I'm so attached to him. He loves people, loves going out and about with me, loves being held and is just all around a very laid back ferret. He is my baby boy!<br /> <br /> <img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/shadowwolf2028/101_1274.jpg?t=1348959203><br /> <b>Name:</b> Zuko (the darker one)<br /> <b>Gender</b> Male<br /> <b>Breed:</b> Ferret<br /> <b>Age</b> 4 months.<br /> <b>About:</b> Zuko is Kiba's 'brother'. Unlike lazy, chubby Kiba, Zuko is nothing but a ball of energy. My little spit fire. He is always running around the room, pouncing on someone or something, and just getting himself into trouble. He doesn't like to be handled by new people and is very easily spooked when it comes to being outdoors. He loves food and will be learning some tricks for them! He already stands up for you, though thats not a hard trick for a ferret. :P</center>


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