Items wanted paying USD
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I am looking for good prices on items with USD payments. Companions, better backgrounds, bags, training items[scholar collar]
I see a lot of people selling them decent priced, but never get to them on time. Please message/post and i will check often. :) Thank you!
I see a lot of people selling them decent priced, but never get to them on time. Please message/post and i will check often. :) Thank you!
Lupine Ghost (#8317)
03-5-2014 at 12:34 PM
I have alot of stuff for sale that I'm looking for USD for.<br /> <br /> I have 19 scholar collars<br /> and what ever is in my shop all for USD.<br /> <br /> I'm not really sure what you'd consider a good price. Let me know what you're looking to pay for any of the items that grab your eye and I'll try to work something out with you.
XLostxDestinyX (#23330)
06-23-2012 at 8:35 PM
If I can get a deal on some items i may pay with a mix of any/everything. :)
Luna Moon, Brick c: (#8327)
06-23-2012 at 6:50 PM
i meant, will you buy with bones and ala cash?
XLostxDestinyX (#23330)
06-18-2012 at 2:19 PM
I prefer Companions, more rare backgrounds, [not the most rare but ones not in shop] and overall cute items, that are worth more than like 5k ala cash <3
Luna Moon, Brick c: (#8327)
06-18-2012 at 2:18 PM
Will you only buy with USD?