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Acne >.< *sigh*
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Hello everyone! I'm here to talk about the embarrassing subject of acne, all forms. Okay, I'm 14 and I know it's natural to have it at this age but so many people in my grade either don't or it's not nearly as bad. I don't want to discuss this with my family cause, well it's embarrassing! My face, in my opinion, looks distorted with acne and I hate every part of it >.< I also have both oily and dry skin (meaning it's always oily and still has a lot of dry/dead skin even when I moisturize.)

I have acne on my back, face, shoulders, and even sometimes on my arms and legs >.< *ugh i know*

I want to know how you guys keep it away! Is there a special diet? (I do tend to eat junkfood....) If so can you guys list some healthy food I can eat as snacks that aren't bad for my skin?

I've tried Proactive, acnefree, etc and many others and some may work for a few weeks but never clear it and often come back.

Please note we are terribly low on money so please no "Overnight Magical Acne Serum! only $75!" Thanks! <3


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