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Rats and why we love them!
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So. I've had rats in the past and recently decided I missed having them around. My new babies have rekindled my love for ratties. I forgot how much I love these little critters. x3 They're so fun! I've already invested more money than I intended to in these boys and more to come. >_> I wanna upgrade their cage soon and am having one heck of a time finding a decent place to get one. =/ My search for a new cage aside, anyone else simply love rats and want to rave about them? 83

Those are my two current kids. Whiskers is the albino. Malfurion is the black and white. :) They've both gotten to the point where they're comfortable with me and are really starting to develop their own personalities. Whiskers, who is fairly blind, is actually becoming the more outgoing of the two! XD While is brother Maly is a more calm, chill, perfect sittin' on your shoulder rat. I adore them bothhhh.

They're both from the same litter yet Whiskers seems to be growing faster, he's already lost that baby soft fur. ;_; He's my first albino so it's been really great watching him settle in. So long as his brother is there he is happy as a clam!

Anyone else love these wittle bitty terrors? Share pictures!

04-3-2012 at 11:08 AM
I have four males right now. One BE Siamese Sealpoint, one "regular" Siamese Sealpoint, one Mink Essex and one Black Essex :)

02-29-2012 at 1:59 PM
A pic of my girls<br /> <img src=http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.103359013076453.7113.100002070645566&type=3#!/photo.php?fbid=121587831253571&set=a.103359013076453.7113.100002070645566&type=3&theater><br /> <br /> telll me if it doesn work<br /> <br /> if it is working the berkshire is dozey and the hooded is dipsy
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2012-02-29 11:01:45 by #12486

02-29-2012 at 9:50 AM
You two definitely have some adorable rats! I love the markings and the cute dumbo ears. My next rats will definitely be dumbos. I find them adorable &lt;3

02-29-2012 at 8:27 AM
Now that I'm more awake...<br /> <br /> <img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/shadowwolf2028/101_1050.jpg><br /> Whiskers and Malfurion checking out their new cube. :3 The three babies seem very fond of it, though Arthas still prefers his hammock.<br /> <img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/shadowwolf2028/IMG_0904.jpg><br /> <br /> And the rescue ratties are settling right in. Blaze is actually starting to come up to me and demand attention. xD <br /> <img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/shadowwolf2028/IMG_0907-1.jpg><br /> <img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/shadowwolf2028/IMG_0857-1.jpg><br /> <img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/shadowwolf2028/IMG_0876.jpg>

02-29-2012 at 7:41 AM
:| I know, don't know why I got my right and lefts mixed up. This is why I shouldn't post things when I'm super tired. xP

02-29-2012 at 1:09 AM
Correction, Shaddy-waddy, Zsasz is on the left =x Harvey's got the Phantom of the Opera marking, and the white-back with splotches. x3 &lt;333

02-29-2012 at 12:52 AM
x3 I'd say sorry but I'm not. Rats are only the best small, critter like pet there is! And here are pictures of your babes for you. :D<br /> <br /> <img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/shadowwolf2028/101_1035.jpg><br /> Mr. Zsasz on the left, Harvey Dent on the right. <br /> <br /> <img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/shadowwolf2028/101_1037.jpg><br /> ^ Arthas' butt made it into that picture.
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2012-02-29 04:39:21 by #91
2012-02-28 21:52:38 by #91

02-29-2012 at 12:40 AM
Everyone can blame Shadow for this post - because she got me hooked on rats!<br /> <br /> Anywayyy. I did break and get two rats from Nui Ka today, and they are the sweetest little things :3<br /> I've got a little spotty dumbo, Harvey Dent, and a cutie hooded, rex dumbo, Mr. Zsasz. :3<br /> So far [this being the first day/evening with them], they're incredible shoulder/lap rats. :D<br /> Zsasz tends to actually stay still, but Harvey runs all around my shoulders and tickles the crap out of my neck =x<br /> But he means well~<br /> Pictures will come whenever Shadow uploads them and I thief them. :D

02-21-2012 at 9:18 PM
Aww thank you. Felix is my sweet cuddly boy. <br /> <br /> I use fleece as liners in my cages. Saves me soo much money on bedding. I do use carefresh in the litterboxes though. Pine and cedar are actually dangerous for the rat's respiratory system...so that's why they're wheezing. It's a good thing that you changed the bedding when you did :) If you do want to use wood bedding, you should go with aspen. That's safe for them :)<br /> <br /> I have absolutely no sewing skills, so I order all my hammocks. I get all of mine from Chelsey's Cozies. I've found that she does the best work :) I've never been disappointed. Although, kudos to you if you have better sewing skills and can make your own!

02-21-2012 at 3:38 PM
That first picture of Felix is so precious. &lt;3 He looks like such a sweet heart. <br /> <br /> And your cage looks so fun and <em>amazing</em>. :o I'm gonna pick up some more hammocks and cubes for both cages next week. :3 Do you make your own hammocks? My cages look so bare right now. Dx <br /> <br /> What do you have along the bottom of your cages, Lennyk? Right now I have Carefresh in both cages. Baxter and Blaze's cage came filled with fresh pine bedding. x_x The lady also gave me a new bag of pine bedding which I might as well throw out. I'd never used it before, never liked it. I don't know how anyone can. That stuff STINKS. Cleaned that all out today and the boys seem to be settling in well in their new bedding. I did notice this morning that Baxter was wheezing, since I've changed the bedding I haven't heard it again. That strong, overpowering smell of fresh pine bedding can't be pleasant to the poor dears. Dx I hope he doesn't have respiratory issues but at two years old I'm sure he's lived in that pine junk all his life.

02-20-2012 at 11:30 PM
Yayyy rattie thread! I always love to show off my rattie kids and rant about them xD <br /> <br /> I got my first pair of boys October 2010 from Petco. Bad choice at the time I realize...but I got pretty lucky with them. They both have such great personalities and I haven't had any major health problems with them yet. I'm estimating their age at about a year and a half now, but I don't really know for sure. <br /> Felix: <img src=http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/3075/1000959y.jpg alt= /><br /> Ozzie: <img src=http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/4706/1001120q.jpg alt= /><br /> <br /> After I got those boys all settled in and I realized how rats are actually the most fantastic small animal pet ever, I went on a search for another pair of boys. I got Ash from a breeder in Chicago and Riley from a rescue. I loved raising them from tiny babies and it amazes me how they have grown up around my schedule and system. <br /> <br /> Baby Riley:<br /> <img src=http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/4840/100083700.jpg alt= /><br /> <br /> Baby Ash:<br /> <img src=http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/1783/100084100.jpg alt= /><br /> <br /> <img src=http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/8215/1001265s.jpg alt= /><br /> <br /> <img src=http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5618/1001182fi.jpg alt= /><br /> <br /> Over the summer I was on the goosemoose adoption thread and there was a woman in Chicago that needed to rehome her rats. She had 11 of them. I offered to take in 2 girls. Ozzie (who had been neutered a couple months prior to this) was in need of cage mates and I thought it would be fun to have girls as well. They were dropped off at my house in June. Zoey turned out to be much more skittish than I thought she was going to be and it's taken some work to get her to trust me. Lily has always been super sweet and cuddly. It's amazing how different they are from my boys. I know it's done Ozzie some good to be living with the active girlies. <br /> Zoey: <img src=http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/7003/1001104k.jpg alt= /><br /> Lily: <img src=http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/5797/1001084fg.jpg alt= /><br /> <br /> This summer I'm going to be getting a double CN for them and I'm super excited. There will be introductions once Riley gets neutered. Here are some random pictures of them and their cages for your viewing enjoyment xD<br /> <br /> <img src=http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/9404/1001064t.jpg alt= /><br /> <br /> <img src=http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/5267/1001061a.jpg alt= /><br /> <br /> <img src=http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/4859/1001128t.jpg alt= /><br /> <br /> <img src=http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/9831/1001167z.jpg alt= /><br /> <br /> <img src=http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/8264/1000966v.jpg alt= />
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2012-02-20 20:33:09 by #7689

02-20-2012 at 10:47 PM
>_> So I just rescued two rats from a lady whom we found through craigslist. The boys were kept in a large cage and together, that's about the extent of good things.<br /> <br /> There were no toys nor a shelter of some sort in the cage. No wheel, hammocks, anything. Nothing to chew on. No food dish. <br /> <br /> They were eating cat food. CAT FOOD. That was just tossed in there in their bedding. And pizza crust. That was their diet. Meow mix cat food even! <br /> <br /> They're father and son. The owner bought a male and a female, expected them to be friends but not breed I guess. When the babes were born she kept one and got rid of the mother and other babes, said she gave them to Pet country.<br /> <br /> She was giving away the rats and $120 cage for FREE. Which really worries me, as someone might pick up the two for snake food and resell, or use, the ferret sized cage for other things. After I went and checked the two dears out I knew I had to take them. =/ One has bald patches on his face and shoulders, I don't know if this is do to poor diet or his age, he is two years old. His son is around five months. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> They came with their cage, a bag of bedding and the water bottles on the cage. And a small glass tank where they'd be placed while their cage is cleaned. No food, no toys, nothing of the sort. Just a bare cage with a handful of cat food at the bottom and the two rats.<img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/shadowwolf2028/img0829w.jpg><br /> There they are in the dirty tank I was given to take them home. Banter (we call him Baxter) is the father rat and is the whiteish one. Blaze is his son, the black and white one. They're both dumbo rats.<br /> <br /> <img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/shadowwolf2028/img0840d.jpg><br /> Here they are in their current cage, it needs more furnishing badly but sadly at this hour pet stores are closed. XD<br /> <br /> This brings my total rat count to 5. :| No. more. I'm too soft but I gotta stop taking in rats. x3<br /> <br /> I end this with a picture of Arthas, whom I haven't posted a picture of yet. You can't really tell in this picture but he is a really gorgeous steel blueish. :3<br /> <img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y273/shadowwolf2028/img0823tp.jpg>
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2012-02-21 14:32:43 by #91
2012-02-20 20:09:21 by #91

02-14-2012 at 2:27 PM
AWWW cute rats! I am on my 3rd pair of rats and they are still tiny! (roughly about 3 months) I have tried to introduce them to dozey my old girl after her sister died 5 days before christmas. She had a brain tumor and had a stroke. But I failed. Dozey is a large girl and the babys are tiny Im too scared to.<br /> <br /> my girls dont really use hammocks but they do have them<br /> <img src=http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.104459919633029.9856.100002070645566&type=3#!/photo.php?fbid=104460066299681&set=a.104459919633029.9856.100002070645566&type=3&theater><br />
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2012-02-15 01:55:19 by #12486
2012-02-15 01:54:37 by #12486

02-13-2012 at 2:42 PM
I poked around on goosemoose and found a few cute patterns that I'll probably try once the boys get use to the hammocks. So far only one has ventured into it and that was mostly to check it out, he didn't stay long.<br /> <br /> Tossed some Kleenex boxes in there and the boys seemed to like to hide in them. :3 The cage is starting to look a lot less barren, though I plan to start making a lot more stuff for my kids.<br /> <br /> That last picture with his wittle head poking out is so cute! x3 I really wanna get some fabric to start making hammocks and cubes for them, it looks like a lot of fun.<br /> <br /> Just gotta say Gilgamesh looks so tubby and cute. :o My little Whiskers is starting to get quite the roundness to him.

02-12-2012 at 9:25 PM
I had 3 rats at one point<br /> <br /> <img src=http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a15/Tigerjody/Animals/Rats/Gilgamesh.jpg width=500><br /> Gilgamesh, he was a dumbo rex buff berkshire, (he was around 800-900g in weight) my loan rat, after his cagemate (Micah) died about a month after I got them he wouldn't accept another friend, nearly ripped Splinter's ear off.<br /> <img src=http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a15/Tigerjody/Animals/Rats/Micha.jpg><br /> Micha<br /> <br /> <img src=http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a15/Tigerjody/Animals/Rats/Splinter.jpg width=500><br /> Splinter he was a dumbo darkbrown berkshire with a wavy coat i never figured out what it would be classifed as. <br /> <br /> <img src=http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a15/Tigerjody/Animals/Rats/DSCF2368.jpg width=500><br /> Q, my dark brown hooded top ear, he became Splinter's cagemate when Gil rejected him. He has the same wavy coat as splinter. I apparently never got a picture of him alone...<br /> <br /> <img src=http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a15/Tigerjody/Animals/Rats/StPatty.jpg width=500><br /> <br /> <img src=http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a15/Tigerjody/Animals/Rats/Hammoc5-1.jpg width=500><br /><img src=http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a15/Tigerjody/Animals/Rats/Hammoc3.jpg width=500><br /> After they chewed through a few hammocks i started making theirs out of denim or canvas.<br /> I made a few for some people with a soft plushy side and a denim back side. I would make them different shapes, I would just make sure and cut both pieces the same size/shape, then i would sew them almost all the way around leaving one area unsewen big enough to turn it right side out. I would then make GIANT button holes and put a Key Chain and then attach clips that i could easily attach and remove from the cage. I even made a few hammocks for a friends rabbit xD just made them really big.<br /> <br /> <img src=http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a15/Tigerjody/Animals/Rats/DSCF2372.jpg width=500><br /> Someone sent me this on a rat forum's secret santa It was heavyish fabric on teh outside fuzzy inside, The bottom side was longer than the top and it made a pocket. But ofcorse that wasn't enough for the rats, they wanted INSIDE it xD. I don't remember which rat this was pokin his head out. Though it looks like it may be Q<br />
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2012-02-12 18:31:34 by #42
2012-02-12 18:29:06 by #42

02-12-2012 at 10:28 AM
Once your babies get used to the hammocks, you'll have a hard time getting them out of the hammocks :P I have to poke and prod my guys to get them to come out - haha! <br /> <br /> Sewing hammocks is fun! Have you been to goosemoose.com? Check it out if you haven't - there's a thread where people post their homemade hammocks (I think it's under the Home Sweet Home section) and you can get some great ideas from that! As soon as my boys are living together again, I'm going to splurge on fabric and make all sorts of fancy comfy hammocks. *plots*<br /> <br /> Oh, I'd also highly recommend plastic yogurt tubs and Kleenex boxes. <a href="http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/430441_2750616770004_1395150430_32408032_1196621709_n.jpg">This</a> is what happened when the boys were sharing a cage and I put a small tissue box in. Hammocks? Nah. Small cardboard box? Heck yeah! XD
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2012-02-12 07:29:22 by #8507

02-11-2012 at 8:48 PM
The toilet paper roll was a good idea. :o Thanks. The boys have already shredded one.<br /> <br /> As for hammocks, I got one to try and see how they like it. :3 I plan to make a pattern from it so if they DO like it I can make more and save some money. XD Your boys are very handsome!<br /> <br /> I keep hearing that tumors are fairly common for rats. =/ I've had in total six so far and, thankfully, haven't had one get a tumor yet. Sorry to hear what happened to Cael, though I gotta say a three-legged rat must have been very cute indeed! <br /> <br /> AND you are correct in where I got the cage. Its a Martin The Rat Tower (R-690). Normally $97, got it for $65 and some of the toys you see inside it. ;3 A darn fine deal I couldn't pass up.
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2012-02-11 17:48:53 by #91

02-11-2012 at 1:24 PM
Rats. &lt;3 Seriously. I had 3 generations of hamsters, and I fostered some mice, guinea pigs and a bunny for a local "exotic" pet rescue before I chose to adopt some rats. There were no rats in the rescue at that time, but I told the rescue that I was very interested in adopting some if they came in. A few weeks later, an accidental litter of rats was born in the exotic vet that one of the founders worked in, and I was able to pick out two little beige boys! Some of the siblings were adopted by vets. xD<br /> <br /> <img width="350" src="http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/Saeko-san/Pets/TuckandCaelPlay2.jpg"><br /> <img width="350" src="http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/Saeko-san/Pets/TuckerComing1.jpg"><br /> <br /> I can't photography to save my life. :x<br /> <br /> Tucker and Caelum were just fantastic. Rats are by far the best rodent pet I've owned. They're quite the troublemakers, though, they get into everything. The could scale the vertical side of my bookshelf. Not to mention fit under every single piece of furniture that ever existed. They would rather climb on me, though. ^^ We used to build tunnels out of my covers.<br /> <br /> Unfortunately, both of them have passed away. :c I found a nasty tumor growing on Cael's leg, and the vet (same place I adopted him from) told me it was probably sarcoma, and it was growing around the bone. Amazingly, they were able to operate and remove all of it. Seriously, it's completely worth finding a competent small animal vet near you - that extended his lifespan by a month or so. He was a cute, little 3-legged rat. x3 Unfortunately, his cancer had metastasized, and lung cancer took him not long after.<br /> <br /> As far as hammocks go, Shadow, you can see the hammock in that second picture - Tucker and Caelum loved it for a year or so. :) I moved it around the cage every once in a while. They used to sleep in it together, all snuggled up. However, once Caelum passed away, Tucker... kind of tore the entire hammock to pieces. :( <br /> <br /> They used to love the toilet paper tubes. They'd chew them up and decorate with the pieces. You could try hanging a toy from the top of the cage to see if they like it? I think I did that, but they weren't very interested.<br /> <br /> Also, I was going to recommend <a href="http://www.martinscages.com/products/cages/rat/">Martins Cages</a>, but I see you have one already... which actually might be from that place? xD Looks similar.<br /> <br /> Sorry for the wall of text. :x Have another rat picture.<br /> <br /> <img width="350" src="http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/Saeko-san/Pets/CaelumPeaking1.jpg">
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2012-02-11 10:26:53 by #88

02-10-2012 at 10:56 PM
Awe, Roo that's so sweet. :3 I wish we had a rescue around here that took in rats but sadly we don't. =/ Cats, dogs, rabbits, ferrets and more. But no ratties.<br /> <br /> I gotta say, Petyr is a very gorgeous rat. :o I love his colors. Renly is awfully cute too of course. <br /> <br /> Just went out and finally got a new cage for my boys. Extremely please with it so far. <br /> <br /> <img src= http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg259/scaled.php?server=259&filename=img0734e.jpg&res=medium><br /> <img src= http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg198/scaled.php?server=198&filename=img0736lc.jpg&res=medium><br /> <br /> $65 later and my rats are having a blast. I don't know if you can tell in the picture but their new cage is HUGE. I love it, and they do too I'm sure. XD Any suggestions on what else to put in there for them? There is quite a lot of open room. I was thinking of a hammock though from what I hear those just get chewed up...<br /> <br />
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2012-02-10 20:00:48 by #91

02-10-2012 at 5:32 PM
ee ratties! I'm brand new to the rat world (wanted them for years and years and finally found the perfect one to start me off) but loving every second of it. <br /> <br /> I met Petyr at the shelter - I volunteer there. His first mommy was surrendering him and his female friend (horrible idea o.o I'm surprised the girly wasn't pregnant) because her landlord didn't like them. They were both 5 weeks old. At that point, I was looking at fostering a dog (the lovely lady in my avatar pic) and didn't think I'd be adopting a rat. So I cuddled him when he came up for adoption and made sure he and his girlfriend (the shelter split them up as soon as they realized - haha) got lots of love while they waited for new homes. Fast forward a little...The dog I was going to foster had an aneurysm and passed away - I was heartbroken. The shelter director told me about it while I was giving Petyr his daily cuddles - he was exploring my hood and having him there was the only thing that kept me from bursting into sobs in the lobby. After that, I just felt so close to him and knew I had to bring him home. I rushed to gather things together so I could adopt him and did a few things wrong in the beginning. One thing I did right, however, was emailing a local breeder the very same day I adopted Petyr. She put me on the wait list for a baby and I used that time to bond with Petyr and get things ready for the new addition.<br /> <br /> Since then, we did intros and they boys lived together in their Critter Nation for two weeks before Renly got hormonal. He's been neutered, but now Petyr's being snippy so he's getting snipped this weekend XD <br /> <br /> Oh, Petyr's an agouti something (berkshire? I think?) and Renly's a Siamese/Himalayan something. When I got him he was PEW, but then his nose and rump got shaded XD<br /> <br /> Petyr:<br /> <img src="http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/398485_2740795524479_1395150430_32404644_212225027_n.jpg"><br /> <br /> Renly:<br /> <img src="http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/395600_2740795924489_1395150430_32404645_282482107_a.jpg"><br /> <br /> And pardon the bits of my face :x
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2012-02-10 14:41:52 by #8507
2012-02-10 14:40:21 by #8507


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