Whats your age? [Poll]
Started By
A discussion on the chat came about, and we where talking about peoples age's and noticed, their is a lot of younger AND older players on ALA
I was wondering if I could get a rough current age median, and though some discussion and poll taking could happen here
So with out a wait, please fill in this here and such
Age (if you don't want it to be personal, just round up or down at least):
<sub>I'm 16 in case anyone is wondering, i'll be including this in the poll also.</sub>
So far:
Mean (Average): 17.96552
Median: 16
Mode: 13
fly~side (#8145)
01-4-2011 at 1:01 AM
Username/ID:fly<br />Age (if you don't want it to be personal, just round up or down at least): 14!!!
Calico (#34)
01-4-2011 at 1:01 AM
Username/ID: Calico / #34<br />Age (if you don't want it to be personal, just round up or down at least): 14