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Toddlers in Tiaras
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What do you think about putting toddlers/small children in beauty pageants? Is it really worth it? Does the kid really learn any life lessons here?
I'm personally against it. I don't really see a point in it. On the the show, the parents always talk about how the kids learn to be a fair sport, but do they really? I've seen plenty of kids throw tantrums, even if they got the second best title. Same with some of the parents!
It also makes the kids spoiled little brats who always get their ways. All they do is throw a fit, and then BAM! they get what they want. True, some of the kids have decent attitudes but most aren't. Most of those kids have been doing these pageants for years and therefore, always been brats. It's just going to get worse further in life.
I'm personally against it. I don't really see a point in it. On the the show, the parents always talk about how the kids learn to be a fair sport, but do they really? I've seen plenty of kids throw tantrums, even if they got the second best title. Same with some of the parents!
It also makes the kids spoiled little brats who always get their ways. All they do is throw a fit, and then BAM! they get what they want. True, some of the kids have decent attitudes but most aren't. Most of those kids have been doing these pageants for years and therefore, always been brats. It's just going to get worse further in life.
Shadow Rayne Kennels (#41)
10-13-2014 at 2:05 PM
Eh. If a kid wants to strut around on stage with makeup caked on her face, who am I tell tell her no? Honestly, these parents are paying waaay more than they are winning. If it's the kid's decision and not the parent forcing them into it, why not?<br /> <br /> Kids throw tantrums. That doesn't mean they dislike the pageants themselves. Children are over dramatic and obnoxious. They don't want to practice. They don't want to try on their costumes. Doesn't mean they don't want to perform.<br /> <br /> I personally watch the show for the lols. But I guess I'm saying if the kid wants to enter pageants, why say no? Of course, I'm a huge believer in others doing whatever the heck they want with their lives. Because, really, how is it affecting you if a kid wants to wear makeup and perform on stage?
LupaMoon (#35079)
08-30-2014 at 3:20 PM
My little sister is obsessed with it and wants to be in a beauty pageant. She also wants to be a pageant mum when she grows up. XC
Rainbo (#3771)
11-30-2011 at 5:59 PM
i am against it. The parents are always saying how much thier kid loves pagents, next scene: the kid is rolling on the ground screaming that they dont want to go and that they hate it! The parents want it more than the kids<br /> Also constantly being judged on how "Beautyful" they are makes them think thats all that matters. Then they will be saying "I-I and gunna win or ill beat those- other girls!" and "I will win and get a big crown and MOONNEYY! I love money". The parents oviously arent putting it away for them to have or they wouldn't care.
DASH! (#8969)
11-30-2011 at 4:51 PM
I do not agree with pageants. As others have said, it is basing things off the "beauty" of a person. Which, different people see things as beautiful. But these little girls are being judged based on their looks. I don't think that teaches them anything positive. <br /> <br /> Another thing I would like to add is that the parents must have gotten them into the pageants. It was not the child's original want. The kid didn't do research online to find out about it. They don't really know what it entails. I think it is pretty much up to the parent to get their child into it.<br /> <br /> I actually saw one of the episodes, and was really taken back by it. One of the mothers was comparing her three daughters. She was talking about how one was more beautiful than the other, etc. <br /> <br /> I do agree that there are some kids there that aren't brats, throw tantrums, etc. BUT the majority of the kids are brats and get what ever they desire. Its a sad thing.<br /> <br /> -Shrug- I feel pretty strongly on the matter... but who am I to judge.
WahyaSpirit🐺 (#5172)
11-16-2011 at 3:03 AM
I see nothing wrong with pageants alone, provided they are "natural" as Bea says. <br> <br /> My girlfriend was in many, many pageants as a child and she loved it until her parents became over competitive and also entered her in everything within a few hundred miles that scheduling allowed and they used her winnings to support the family. -_- <br /> <br /> But if it is casual, for fun, "natural" and the child enjoys it, I see no reason why not, assuming the parents do teach the child that looks are not everything, and use it to try to teach them to be a good sport, there is no stress, etc. xD <br> <br /> <br /> However, the actual show... That is APPALLING. -_-
edit history
2011-11-16 00:04:36 by #5172

Carnivale (#6)
11-14-2011 at 10:17 PM
Personally, I dislike the whole concept of beauty pageants as a whole. You can talk about teaching a girl to be a good sport, but at the root of it, you're judging them all on their looks, and the "prettiest" one comes out on top.<br /> <br /> I think the message there is pretty clear. What do you think happens to the girls who consistently lose? Not exactly an upper for self esteem.<br /> <br /> People should learn to value themselves beyond their looks. Self esteem has a lot more to do with what's on the inside than what's on the outside. In that vein, you'd have a lot more success teaching your child life skills by enrolling them in a sport like softball, basketball, martial arts, etc. Through play and sport, they learn teamwork, how to lose and win gracefully, and allows them to hone in on some sort of skill. If they're unskilled at sports, but are good at school subjects, find math clubs or chess clubs, something along that line. Enroll them in art classes if they're an artist. Let them value themselves as a person and what they like to do, instead of prancing them around on a stage where their only accomplishment is "being pretty."
edit history
2011-11-14 19:23:14 by #6
bea1113 (#12448)
11-14-2011 at 7:17 PM
I personally I have no problem with NATURAL pagents. (AKA no heavy make-up,no fake tans,no flipper,no fake hair.) It's basically the girl in a pretty dress. I think it's good for a girl to feel pretty as they naturally are. I do not,however,support "glitz/vegas/mart graw" pagents. I think the only thing it teaches the girls is "you have to wear make-up to look beautiful/inner beauty doesn't matter/beautiful people get it better in life." which is not true!!