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The Capital Punishment
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i'd like to start off with Hello~! i like posting new threads to spice up the debate forum. Now anyways!!! so are you for or against the death sentence and Why?? personally im for it all the way. i even believe it should be more common, more enforced, more casual. yet it's not used as often as i think it should and the trials before the actual death takes FOREVER. im for it because it relieves such a burden on society, on our economy. it's so much cheaper to just murder them then to pay for their housing for their entire lives. jails are Too crowded. i don't think anyone is too happy about having to pay for meals and everyday things for criminals. but this is probably appauling some people, so i will tell you a moral reason. Some People Do Not Belong On This Earth. i believe once you kill a person, you're a on a different playing field, where you thought think it was ok to handle a person's life. and some occassions it is, self defense, and for your country. im not saying this field is a bad field, because sometimes it is ok for good reasons, but it's a field that seperates you from the rest and puts things into perspective. how much sympathy should i, or you, feel for rapists and murderes?? how much do they value???

06-10-2011 at 5:43 AM
I would like to apologize right now.<br /> <br /> This thread is being closed due to the following reasons:<br /> <br /> 1) Antagonistic and argumentative behavior of several participants.<br /> <br /> 2) Deviation from the original topic of debate.<br /> <br /> 3) Lack of a real debating atmosphere. This has turned more into a "I'm right, and everyone else is wrong" thread.<br /> <br /> ^..^<br /> Wysper

06-10-2011 at 4:32 AM
[removed by mod]
edit history
2011-06-09 19:47:38 by #1511

06-10-2011 at 4:27 AM
<b>I am closing this thread until an admin can look into this, this is enough, I will not police every thread all night long because users cannot behave.</b>

06-10-2011 at 4:19 AM
[removed by mod] Apparently you chose not to be the bigger person.
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2011-06-09 19:46:51 by #1511
2011-06-09 18:20:37 by #12307

06-10-2011 at 4:17 AM
[removed by mod]<br /> I'll just go by re-stating that I am completely against the death penalty in any and all cases because it's inhumane and, as has been quoted at least three times in this thread, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
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2011-06-09 19:46:31 by #1511

06-10-2011 at 4:04 AM
***FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD**** Knock It Off Now ***i'll be darned if a mod closes this thread because people are acting like tantrum throwing toddlers
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2011-06-09 19:44:36 by #1511
2011-06-09 18:04:58 by #12307

06-10-2011 at 3:55 AM
Also, I have read every post on this thread, aas well as most other threads in the debate section.<br /> <br /> OMG when will the lieing end? Really? What was it you said on the last forum? i believe it was something like "well if your so agest abortion why arnt you incurageing protection?" PAGES 2-5 ALL on takeing procoshion agest a unwanted pregnecy. <br /> <br /> [removed by mod]
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2011-06-09 19:40:31 by #1511

06-10-2011 at 3:53 AM
<b>Guys! Calm down. This is a debate over a specific topic, <i>not</i> a personal fight. Please be respectful towards other players (it's part of the rules) and please <i>don't</i> post anything personal in a debate topic that you don't want criticized. It is a debate forum. <i>Anything</i> in these posts can and will be criticized by someone</b>

06-10-2011 at 3:46 AM
[removed by mod] Also, I have read every post on this thread, aas well as most other threads in the debate section. [removed by mod]
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2011-06-09 19:39:50 by #1511
2011-06-09 17:47:01 by #1853

06-10-2011 at 3:36 AM
[removed by mod]
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2011-06-09 19:39:04 by #1511

06-10-2011 at 3:24 AM
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/psychopath<br /> <br /> There's my source. If I've defined anything else, use that little thing called a search bar on that page and scroll down and you'll find whatever I quoted somewhere on the page. [removed by mod]<br /> <br /> Also, not all cops are bad. Nobody said that. But at the top of the operations, the system is corrupt. Not all of the individuals are corrupt, but in the end, the system itself is corrupt.
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2011-06-09 19:38:49 by #1511

06-10-2011 at 3:20 AM
Really? So those executioners are all permitted to murder anyone as they please because they're "The LAW". <br /> <br /> No NOT as they please. As the LAW pleases. <br /> <br /> [removed by mod]<br /> <br /> just because they did a few corrupt things does not taint the entire work.<br /> <br /> Thank you! A few bad apples do seem to spoil a batch dont they? Wheres the cop saveing lives? Or the cop who scrafised his life for someone ealces? You dont see those on the news because its GOOD news, and i know that sounds odd, but really think about it. The more horable the news is the more people tune in.
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2011-06-09 19:38:03 by #1511

06-10-2011 at 3:18 AM
jambers i want you to edit out that lol. laughing at another player for that is rude and unneccessary.

06-10-2011 at 3:07 AM
But no, I did not get that from Wikipedia.[removed by mod]<br /> <br /> [removed by mod] its a direct quote! sericley your going to deny it? Wheres your sorce?
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2011-06-09 19:37:34 by #1511

06-10-2011 at 2:40 AM
As for corruption, i think no one is looking at the big picture here. it's both. just because a lot of cops did One or a few corrupt things does not make all the work they did in that career corrupt. frankly don't blame the system, blame the people. the system would be Perfect if People are Perfect. the fact that people are corrupt means they do a little corrupt work that affects the system. so: if the people are perfect, we'd have a perfect system, if people are corrupt, they do corrupt work, that affects the system. don't blame the system for people's mistakes. and remember, just because they did a few corrupt things does not taint the entire work. mistakes are made.

06-10-2011 at 2:28 AM
***I'll be darned if a mod comes and Closes one of my hardcore topic debate threads Again because things get heated and no body bothers to respect different views anymore!*** if all/most of you keep acting this way, disrespecting others views and using Attitude as emphasis, then a mod will come and close it so no one else can enjoy it and we'll be stuck with (in my opinion) boring old threads that have already been debated to the core. what im saying is, Don't Ruin This For The Rest Of Us. not one of us is innocent, each player had something said that was Brimming with attitude.
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2011-06-09 16:29:28 by #12307

06-9-2011 at 6:24 AM
Here's one of my personal favorites:<br /> <br /> <a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWf-sYvbDr0&feature=related>An Arizona cop body slamming a fifteen year old girl</a>. <br /> <br /> Note that she doesn't fight him, isn't running, and doesn't even seem to be aware of his approach. But yet, the cop charges after her. She's then checked and hits her head on the pavement. He could have easily killed her.<br /> <br /> Yes, the girl was walking away. But until the cop establishes that he is detaining you (which he can not legally do without due cause) he has zero right to tackle and handcuff you.

06-9-2011 at 5:53 AM
I can't find the post Nitrious is quoting, so I'm just going to work off the quotes she used.<br /> <br /> "Ive been called for Jury Duty 2 times now. Its done very carefuly. There are first MORE jurers needed than called, the defence AND the plantive BOTH get to choose the jury. They get a choice on who will be judgeing them."<br /> <br /> I can assure you that it isn't done carefully. I've also been called for jury duty twice. I'm not mentally fit to be a member of a jury, and the moment I mentioned it to my doctors, two separate people, they immediately called them and told them that I absolutely should not be a juror.<br /> <br /> So for having a choice.. who on earth would want someone like me as a juror? That's a very, <i>very bad</i> choice.<br /> <br /> "Wow ok our police system is not THAT corrupt."<br /> <br /> Oh, yes. Yes, it is.<br /> <br /> Oscar Grant (look it up, my link for it will not work): Unarmed man gets shot by police officers. If you see the video (I strongly strongly advise against seeking it out), the crime seems intensely racially motivated with slurs being directed at the victim from the officers, the man is obviously unarmed, and is shot. The cop tries the weak defense of "I was reaching for my taser!" ..A police officer's taser is a lightweight weapon made of plastic and holsters on the <b>opposite side</b> from the gun. The gun itself is a few <b>pounds</b> heavy. The cop got a slap on the wrist sentence of a few years.<br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/girl-10-tasered-by-police-with-mothers-permission-1823510.html">Officer tases a ten year old girl.</a><br /> <br /> <a href="http://newsbuster.com/Pages/content/police-taser-86-year-old-bedridden-granny.html">Police tase a bedridden, 86 year old woman and deprive her of oxygen.</a><br /> <br /> <a href="http://news.change.org/stories/missouri-police-kill-dog-terrorize-family">SWAT just a short drive from where I live come into a family's home for a "narcotics search,"</a> then proceed to traumatize everyone by shooting their utterly harmless and unaggressive dogs (who might even be in crates? can't remember). DO NOT WATCH THE VIDEO, it's the only good article on it I could find, PLEASE don't watch it. It shows people in extreme distress and animals being murdered, it <u>does not need to be viewed.</u><br /> <br /> And for something less gruesome, <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/22/police-play-wii-bowling-d_n_294405.html">officers love Wii Bowling.</a><br /> <br /> "Its amazing how you speak of inacent people and yet have no issues with killing a unborn child."<br /> <br /> My icon has <i>never</i> been more applicable. <i>No</i>. Stop. A fetus is not a child in the way you imply. It shares little similarity with a neonate. You can <i>argue</i> the opposite until the end of time, but facts are <i>facts</i>; one cannot pick and choose which facts to 'believe' in. <i>A fetus is not a child</i>. A neonate is a child, which no one condones killing. Nitrous and myself both support rehabilitating and helping real, living people, who have lives and memories and are functioning human beings. I can't convey how valuable a human life is. Even if the mind is warped and twisted, that individual is as human as you, has experiences like you, and has memories they likely cherish. A fetus is none of this, not capable of any of those things. Undeniable <u>facts</u>. a fetus, of the age we condone aborting it, is a cluster of cells that does not think or feel anything. No one here condones late trimester unless it's a life or death situation.<br /> <br /> Comparing a human life to a mass of cells, and saying those cells are more valuable, is frightening and, by definition, misguided. I don't say that as an ad hominem, or due to a left leaning bias. I say it as someone who values science.<br /> <br /> All of this aside, it would probably be best if the abortion talk came to a grinding halt fairly soon, considering the monumental disaster the Abortion thread became. I don't want this thread to wind up closed as well.<br /> <br /> And I do not want to see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law">Godwin's Law</a> rear its ugly head again.<br /> <br /> Edited due to some hyperlink screwups.
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2011-06-08 19:58:53 by #4246
2011-06-08 19:56:49 by #4246

06-9-2011 at 1:05 AM
"Ive been called for Jury Duty 2 times now. Its done very carefuly. There are first MORE jurers needed than called, the defence AND the plantive BOTH get to choose the jury. They get a choice on who will be judgeing them."<br /> <br /> No need for your excessive emphasis. <i>I am fully aware how it's done.</i> However, I've never met a person in my entire life who has been excited for jury duty. One of my middle school teachers admitted she dozed off during a trial. Random jury members don't understand legal jargon, processes, burden of proof, or anything that would aid them in making a fair judgement. When I was on mock trial, we had law firm <i>interns</i> who didn't understand how the court really worked or half the predicates and terms we used.<br /> <br /> "Wow ok our police system is not THAT corrupt. Are you shure you want to go into law if thats your vew on it?"<br /> <br /> There are so many different types of law, I'd advise you not to assume what I plan on studying. I was going to choose to go into Entertainment, Corporate or Defensive Law. Defensive Law being the ONLY criminal law I'd deal with. I like to have a background in everything because it interests me. Lawyers don't JUST convict criminals, or JUST defend them. Who ever said that I'd be caught dead allying with a police department to destroy someone's life? You are <b>blind</b> if you're incapable of realizing the corruption involved. [removed by mod] <br /> <br /> "Umm The LAW"<br /> <br /> Really? So those executioners are all permitted to murder anyone as they please because they're "The LAW". <br /> <br /> "Its amazing how you speak of inacent people and yet have no issues with killing a unborn child."<br /> <br /> An unborn child is something that can survive outside the womb. Fetuses eligible for abortion are not capable of this. They are not children. That's a different debate, and overall your point is moot. <br /> <br /> And "Roo", I didn't recognize your username. I read the tag. If you don't want me to call you by that name then, um, don't have it in your tag? That's hardly the point of <i>any</i> of this. If you didn't want several of us to jump down your throat or blow things "way out of proportion", you need to specify precisely what you mean as you are thinking it. We cannot read your mind and even if you meant it in a completely harmless or specific way, we do not know.
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2011-06-09 19:37:30 by #1511

06-8-2011 at 10:47 PM
Uh...no. I don't usually go on Wikipedia except for trivial things. I get any and all definitions I use from a dictionary website, usually dictionary.com. Which is a completely accurate source considering it's, you know, a dictionary. Not a website that anyone and everyone has access to edit it. [removed by mod] <br /> <br /> But no, I did not get that from Wikipedia. I rarely go to Wiki at all [removed by mod]
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2011-06-09 19:35:16 by #1511


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