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Moments With You
Started By
Roleplay: Moments With You
Currently: Not Accepting Users
Started: Yes
-Must have at least 3 paragraphs (6-8 sentences each) for each character (no limit)
-Currently limited to one character per user
-Apply to Alacrity
-Be able to use proper word use, grammar, and spelling (everyone has mistakes now and then, but, try to minimize them/preferred no mistakes if possible) -- detail please
-Try you best not to make multiple replies in a row (keep all replies in one post)
Nathan's Introduction: Who would ever want to work security in a place with mindless souls constantly typing their fingers off at their computers half the day? No one in their right mind. Unfortunately, that is what his life has come to. Walking back and fourth about the second floor of the building, making sure everyone 'safe.' For the most part, nothing criminal or life-threatening has ever occured at the company. But, stranger things have happened, so he must always be on the lookout. With the multiple security jobs, and bouncing back and fourth over the years, he finally stood his ground at this computer- tech support company. Always thinking to himself about the people working there and wondering why the heck would they want a desk job. It was only then he realized how different he really was from everyone else. After all, he is a werewolf.
Short Synopsis: "Moments With You" is a tragically romantic werewolf roleplay where two individuals fall in love, however, the end of the world is soon to come.
NOTE: This roleplay is specifically a one-on-one, we are not accepting additional users. Apologies.
ID number:
Character's name:
Species: Werewolf
Appearance (description only):
Wolf Appearance (description only):
Crush: None (may develop over time)
My Forums:
Username: Allie {Mrs. Winchester}
ID number: (#26840)
Character's name: Nathan Cole Reed
Species: Werewolf
Sex: Male
Age: 22
Race: Caucasian
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 182lbs
Human Appearance (description only): Nathan has a muscular military build with scars all over his body, dark brown scruffy hair (short), hazel eyes, lightly tanned skin, and a brilliant breathtaking smile.
Wolf Appearance (description only): Dark brown coat with lightened brown streaks intertwined, hazel eyes, large muscular build, scars hidden under fur, significantly taller than most at 4'0" with large- heavy paws.
Personality: He is very temperamental, depending on the situation. Nathan has a tendency to let his emotions shut off in moments of caring. Due to his military background, many people see him as an assassin. He can be very snappy, aggressive, arrogant, impatient, impolite, and impulsive. However, he has the ability to be affectionate, amusing, determined, as well as charming. Nathan strives to protect others and will put his life on the line for family, friends, and the one he loves.
Crush: None (may develop over time)
Star's Forums:
Username: Elizabeth-Star
ID number: 13633
Character's name: Star Montgomery
Species: Werewolf
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Race: Caucasian
Height: 5'2
Weight: 103
Appearance (description only): Star is on the shorter side at 5'2 but she is thin. She had blonde hair and bi colored eyes. One is golden and the other is very light blue. Her blonde hair reaches passed her waist. She has very few muscles but the help her do what she needs.
Wolf Appearance (description only): Star is a pure white with her paws have dark spots on 1 like she dipped it in mud along with the black marks being on her ears as well. Her eyes glow more golden and they are like melting silver in the other eye. She is a smaller sized wolf but she is fast.
Personality: She is meek and quiet, more of an omega while in pack settings. She is glad to help anyone out but hates to be yelled at. Though in few times of dire need she has a sassy attitude when she doesn't feel comfortable about where she is.
Crush: None (may develop over time)
Currently: Not Accepting Users
Started: Yes
-Must have at least 3 paragraphs (6-8 sentences each) for each character (no limit)
-Currently limited to one character per user
-Apply to Alacrity
-Be able to use proper word use, grammar, and spelling (everyone has mistakes now and then, but, try to minimize them/preferred no mistakes if possible) -- detail please
-Try you best not to make multiple replies in a row (keep all replies in one post)
Nathan's Introduction: Who would ever want to work security in a place with mindless souls constantly typing their fingers off at their computers half the day? No one in their right mind. Unfortunately, that is what his life has come to. Walking back and fourth about the second floor of the building, making sure everyone 'safe.' For the most part, nothing criminal or life-threatening has ever occured at the company. But, stranger things have happened, so he must always be on the lookout. With the multiple security jobs, and bouncing back and fourth over the years, he finally stood his ground at this computer- tech support company. Always thinking to himself about the people working there and wondering why the heck would they want a desk job. It was only then he realized how different he really was from everyone else. After all, he is a werewolf.
Short Synopsis: "Moments With You" is a tragically romantic werewolf roleplay where two individuals fall in love, however, the end of the world is soon to come.
NOTE: This roleplay is specifically a one-on-one, we are not accepting additional users. Apologies.
ID number:
Character's name:
Species: Werewolf
Appearance (description only):
Wolf Appearance (description only):
Crush: None (may develop over time)
My Forums:
Username: Allie {Mrs. Winchester}
ID number: (#26840)
Character's name: Nathan Cole Reed
Species: Werewolf
Sex: Male
Age: 22
Race: Caucasian
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 182lbs
Human Appearance (description only): Nathan has a muscular military build with scars all over his body, dark brown scruffy hair (short), hazel eyes, lightly tanned skin, and a brilliant breathtaking smile.
Wolf Appearance (description only): Dark brown coat with lightened brown streaks intertwined, hazel eyes, large muscular build, scars hidden under fur, significantly taller than most at 4'0" with large- heavy paws.
Personality: He is very temperamental, depending on the situation. Nathan has a tendency to let his emotions shut off in moments of caring. Due to his military background, many people see him as an assassin. He can be very snappy, aggressive, arrogant, impatient, impolite, and impulsive. However, he has the ability to be affectionate, amusing, determined, as well as charming. Nathan strives to protect others and will put his life on the line for family, friends, and the one he loves.
Crush: None (may develop over time)
Star's Forums:
Username: Elizabeth-Star
ID number: 13633
Character's name: Star Montgomery
Species: Werewolf
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Race: Caucasian
Height: 5'2
Weight: 103
Appearance (description only): Star is on the shorter side at 5'2 but she is thin. She had blonde hair and bi colored eyes. One is golden and the other is very light blue. Her blonde hair reaches passed her waist. She has very few muscles but the help her do what she needs.
Wolf Appearance (description only): Star is a pure white with her paws have dark spots on 1 like she dipped it in mud along with the black marks being on her ears as well. Her eyes glow more golden and they are like melting silver in the other eye. She is a smaller sized wolf but she is fast.
Personality: She is meek and quiet, more of an omega while in pack settings. She is glad to help anyone out but hates to be yelled at. Though in few times of dire need she has a sassy attitude when she doesn't feel comfortable about where she is.
Crush: None (may develop over time)

Elizabeth-Star (#13633)
04-9-2018 at 8:19 PM
The man had been nice enough to give her a ride home. Rain made the wolf in her head insane. It was not the day for a bad hair day. She watched him pull away as she walked into her home. The quiet murmmer of the tv was heard as she unlocked her door and walked in. A sigh erupted from her throat as she looked around her sparse home. One more week and then she was leaving. <br /> <br /> 1 week and then she could leave this behind her. She would finally be moving to get to the country side. She could let her wolf out and just run. Run for miles and miles and not have anyone to bother her. The local pack was not very welcoming of her. Even if she had lived there everyday of her life. <br /> <br /> She sighed before she climbed into bed and fell asleep. She dreamt of a dark wolf with hazel eyes. Everything was hazy and dark and the dream frightened her before she heard the snarls and then the pain. She gasped and sat up in her bed. The clock read 6am and she groaned. Laying back in bed she stayed like that for a few moment before she got up to take a shower. <br /> <br /> She closed her eyes before she got out of the shower and got ready for work. She grabbed her phone and purse before she started her long walk to work regretting even getting up that day.

Allie {Mrs. Winchester} (#26840)
11-9-2016 at 7:01 PM
Nathan:<br /> <br /> Quietly walking towards the security room, he inhaled. Taking a hold of the sliver handle, he twisted the knob and swiftly pushed the door open. Lights flashed on and there were several people yelling. Then everything was quiet. <br /> <br /> "What the heck, man! You're suppose to be Dave!" Someone shouted out. <br /> <br /> With a grin, he shut the door behind him- "sorry I'm late," he laughed. <br /> <br /> It was Dave Jefferson's eighty-second birthday today. The man had been working at this place for the past sixty years. Crazy if you ask me. Getting back into our positions, he stood next to one of the managers. She was a nice lady. A slow opening of the door, and the process was repeated... "happy birthday, Dave!" The man's eyes brightened like there was no tomorrow. A large smile appeared on his face, as a tear rolled down from his pale blue eyes. Dave was a small old man with ghost white hair, a fancy buttoned up shirt and dress pants with the nicest pair of shoes anyone here had ever seen. The guy had style, that's for sure. Unfortunately, everyone had started to see time catching up with him. <br /> <br /> He glanced around, just in time to see Mr. Jefferson reaching for him. Shaking his hand, he smiled and greeted him politely. Much respect towards this man. A small ten minute conversation with him, and he knew he had to leave. Saying my goodbyes, he wished Dave a happy birthday and walked out of the room. <br /> <br /> Grabbing his jacket off a chair, he threw it on, walking out the side doors of the building. Jumping in his car, he pulled out of the parking lot and started his drive home. Along the way, he noticed a small blonde walking on the sidewalk in the rain. Poor girl was getting soaked. Passing her, he looked in his rear view to see the familiar face of the young lady. She worked at the office. Slowing down, he parked the car and quickly jumped out. "Miss, do you need a ride?" He smiled politely. He knew she recognized him... It was probably odd seeing him smile considering he never really did so at work as he made his rounds. An uneasy look appeared on her face as he mentioned the ride. "I don't want you getting sick out here in the rain," he hollard. Motioning her towards the car, he opened the passenger door and stood there. "Well, come on!" Waiting for her to get in, he shut the door, and ran back to the drivers side. Getting in he asked her where she lived. Nodding, he put the car in drive and contuined down the road. Weirdly, she only lived five minutes from his home. Parking his car in her driveway, he escorted her to get door. She shyly thanked him- "not a problem, anytime." Walking back to his car, he got in and smiled, shaking his head. Looking up towards her door, he saw her look back. Waving farewell, he pulled out of her driveway and headed home. The whole way there he couldn't stop but think about the young woman. <br /> <br /> Sighing, he stepped through his front door. Setting his keys on the table, he took off his jacket and slid off his shoes off, putting them aside. Unbuttoning his white shirt, he walked upstairs, sliding the shirt off of his muscular body and throwing it in the basket. Sighing, he fell back in the bed. Staring up at the white ceiling, he ran his fingers through his hair. What a day. Closing his eyes, he drifted off to sleep. <br /> <br /> <i>Shadows ran past him, hiding in the trees. Loud growling filled his ears. A group of howls filled the forest as the sky grew darker. Walking carefully among the trees, a snap of a branch caused him to glance over. A pure white wolf with black markings on her toes and ears stood only a few feet away from him. Her bi-colored eyes were stunning. Something he had never seen before. She was a small little thing. The wolf somehow reminded him of the little blonde girl he gave a ride home. Weird. His wolf stepped closer to her, only to hear the snarl of other wolves and then she was gone. Like he had seen a ghost.</i> <br /> <br /> Waking up, he sat up quickly looking around. Sweat covered his face. He hadn't dreamt sense he had moved here. It would make sense, since there were no other wolves around. However, today was different. He had drempt about his past. Something that had not occured in years. There was something about the wolf in his dream that made his heart melt for acceptance. Maybe this was a sign... maybe he would soon realize that he wasn't the only one. He thought for a minute, something clicked. The girl. His heart has skipped when she had turned around to face him. Maybe... it was her. No, it couldn't be, he shook his head. But maybe, it could be.
edit history
2016-11-09 16:10:24 by #26840
2016-11-09 16:08:40 by #26840

Elizabeth-Star (#13633)
11-8-2016 at 12:29 PM
Star<br /> <br /> The small blonde sat in her chair rolling back and forth. She jumped slightly as she felt a distinctly male voice. Her jumping caused her to hit her knee on the underside of her low desk and scattered her pens. She sighed as she put them back and nodded her consent at using her paper. She saw him right something down but it wasn't of her concern so she left him to his business and soon he walked away. She went to call after him as she saw he left his pen but he was already walking away. Oh well she'd hand it to him later.<br /> <br /> The smell in the office was damp and musky as if someone left a wet towel out for a few days. She sighed glancing at the ceiling, if had all sorts of water died spots from the rain where no one felt like fixing it. This office was to poor to do that. Finally after sometime looking at the ceiling she looked at the clock. Time to go. She did a little dance in her head. Finally. She was excited to go home but if was just as boring there as if was at work but at least she didn't get yelled at, at home.<br /> <br /> Star grabbed her blue jackets and a few books and her small laptop before she got up. Pushing in her chair she saw that most of the office was already gone. She must have been staring at the office longer than she though. It was weird usually Alice would say goodbye to her but she didn't. Shaking her head to ward off the thoughts so she walked outside to be stuck walking in the dreary rain. <br /> <br /> "Perfect, just perfect." She murmured to herself as the blonde glared at the sky. Rain was not her favorite it was to cold and she didn't like being wet unless it was of her own accord. She glanced around on the street but it seems everyone got the hint and stayed inside but it was weird no one was driving on this busy street. It was kind of unnerving. She pulled her bag closer to her chest and walked just a bit faster trying to get home and away from this craziness.

Allie {Mrs. Winchester} (#26840)
10-25-2016 at 6:44 PM
Nathan:<br /> <br /> Walking through the narrow hallway where the closed offices were, he jiggled the door handles, ensuring they were locked. According to the list he carried, certain office doors on his floor had to stay locked due to particular documents and crap that had to be stashed away. Seeing a young man leaving an office, he politely stopped him. Talking with the guy, he clarified it was the man's office. Letting him go on his way, he stood there for a moment. Dang. Was there going to be any crack downs today? Oddly enough, that was his daily wish while working security. Just the thought of some idiot screwing up and making the wrong move brought satisfaction to him. Lets face it, it is pretty exciting when having to deal with a crazy individual. Best part of the job. <br /> <br /> Contuining down the hall, he made a right into the main area of the floor; there were cubicles smooched together with lab rats typing away. Eye contact was made between him and a few of the men who took the time to glance up from their screens. A few nodded while others frowned and went back to their computers. The clashing of fingers on the fifty-plus keyboards stationed there, was slightly nerve racking. He couldn't focus. Noticing a shoe lace on his black leather shoe was untied, he bent down to tie it. Before standing up, he heard an angry voice telling someone to get back to work. Typical boss. <br /> <br /> Searching the room carefully with his eyes, he took a moment to evaulate the people working. Honestly, he didn't understand how any of these yahoos could stare at a screen. Not that he was an absolute anti-computer geek of anything. It seemed a little crazy to be spending your day addressing other people's problems. Problems in which the person on the other end of the line could easily fix themselves for the most part. He sighed and continued his walk around the perimeter of the cubicles. <br /> <br /> Deciding to cut through one of them, and glanced around at the work the workers were up to. In a moments notice, he remembered he had a meeting after work. He had to write it down before he forgot it. Reaching for his belt, he pulled a pen out, and looked curiously around for something to write on. He stopped behind this one workers desk, and cleared his throat. "Excuse me, miss?" Seeing the young lady turn around, his heart immediately skipped a beat. That's weird. He shook away the thought. "Would you mind if I steal a piece of paper away from you - a sticky note possibly?" Taking the pale colored sickty note from her, he placed it on her desk to use the surface to write his reminder. After finishing, he thanked her, picked up the sticky note, and walked off. Folding the sticky note, he placed it in his pocket. Frick. He forgot his pen at her desk. He had gotten that pen from his old man after he got back from his first deployment. Shaking his head, be checked his phone. Four missed calls from the security office. Great. He then went downstairs to report back to his supervisor.

Elizabeth-Star (#13633)
10-25-2016 at 5:57 PM
"Star:<br /> <br /> Typing at her computer was tedious, She got bored easily however she needed money and this was the only job hiring. Moving her blue swivel chair to the edge of the her booth she looked at all the other humans typing away at their desks as they worked this low paying job.She looked back to her computer screen, the numbers started to move. She sighed loudly as she was ready to tear her hair out of her head. On the computer was the forum she needed to complete for her boss by the end of the day. It was the money summary from one of the partners that was incorrect. Of course all incorrect things came to her because she was a perfectionist. <br /> <br /> She smelled the air smelling a wolf and glanced around. It must have been the security guard that worked on her floor. Every once in awhile she would smell him and if would bring her back to a different time. A time when she lived in the countryside with her parents. The security guard was kind mean looking, he always had a stern face. He must have had a pretty tough job before he came to this place. He just looked as bored as she was standing around doing nothing. <br /> <br /> Star stared blankly at her computer screen. She wished things were different and she was back outside staring at the blue sky. She could practically feel the wind on her fur the grass between her toes and her running as fast as she could. She could hear everything from the owl in the tree to the squirrels on the ground eating acorns. She heard a loud beep and jumped. She glanced at her intercom and hit the button. "Yes?" She listened to the other person telling her to get back to work. She growled to herself before glancing back to the screen and finished working the numbers on the screen."
edit history
2016-10-25 14:58:09 by #13633