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Happy birthday! Awards random rare item when fed to dog.
Birthday Cake
you own: 0.
A companion you just cannot stop snuggling! +2 Mood every 30 minutes
Standard Chinchilla
you own: 0.
A very special companion that arrived on Alacrity's 1st birthday. Every other week provides a free random gift to the owner.
Baby Griffin
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(05-15-2011 at 11:49 PM)
Riverside Kennels
I have many items in my shop, including a rare! for 60k!
(05-15-2011 at 11:41 PM)
I have a black bear cub I'm willing to sell, if your interested, let me know your offer ;)
(05-15-2011 at 11:20 PM)
AKC {Alacrity Kennel Club}
Can you please buy from my sale?
Welcome to AlyssaFreels (#11189)'s profile.
currently: playing Alacrity!

Last Seen: 1:39 PM on 11-21-2011, played for 65 days

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Side account:
alyssa luv yuue breanna
What am I doing?
Dont ask for any of my dog unless they say forsale or are forsale or are up for auction
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 0 | Training Sessions: 14
Dogs in "My Kennel"
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
max (#43010) Shetland Sheepdog 73.50 months male
maddie (#45587) Shetland Sheepdog 60.39 months female
Ghafur (#52020) Shetland Sheepdog 29.97 months male
Ania (#53710) Shetland Sheepdog 42.09 months female


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  • the secret question is in case you forget your username or need to reset your email address