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Welcome to Alacrity-> sim of the century!

Alacrity is an agility dog sim focused on breeding dogs with specific markings and coats while excelling in agility at the same time. Targeted on agility dog breeds. Focus training on specific agility objects and enter trials that feature items your dog excels in. Accessorize your dog with unlimited items, and put them inside a living room with backgrounds or give them a companion to keep them company! Your dogs only live each day you login. So don't worry if you miss a day!

[ x vote for us to earn $800 each day ]

September Monthly Shop Update

Posted by

(#29063) on Sep 01, 2024
Autumn Background
Autumn Field Background
Autumn Valley Background

Piebald Trophy Buck
Trophy Buck

Autumn Hunting Vest
Black Chappeux
Black Leather Jacket
Chilly Wind
Fancy Black Chappeux
Fancy White Chappeux
Leaf Blower
Safety Hunting Vest
Shed Antler
Torn Leather Collar
Turkey Hens
White Chappeux
Golden Falling Leaves
Golden Fallen Leaves
Falling Leaves
Fallen Leaves

Free Claimable
September 2010 Monthly Bag

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back online

Posted by

Sin Vraal
(#18687) on Aug 31, 2024
Our datacenter is having issues. We are waiting for a server to come back up , this will restore service to most functions.

We're back online. more migrations will occur later this month to fully get off the old server

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Posted on 09-1-2024 at 5:02 PM

No, not moving again, just 'continuing to move' , the old server is on a cluster. its 20+ years old. but the cluster that holds the server is also 10-15 years old.

and the old server is so messy, I cant easily transfer it
Posted on 08-31-2024 at 6:16 PM

So we're moving servers again?
Posted on 08-31-2024 at 6:13 PM

Broken Images

Posted by

(#29063) on Aug 09, 2024
We are aware of the broken images. Its a webhost issue and will be fixed.

I will make a post again once it's fixed.

Should be fixed now!

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