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Out Of The Ashes
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I am the last of my kind.

The chemical warfare has obliterated mankind, but out of the ashes the cyborgs managed to retrieve a tiny hair, just enough to take its DNA and form me.

They say, "In what the humans lacked I gained, superior strength, capability to last, Immunity to germs, and the brains to last. That I'm Perfect, but I just want to be a normal kid.

The world I'm living in, Its tragic. The Videos prototype, HN32, Has Shown me, are horrific. The dust clouds, and rubble left behind. Crops destroyed, and water poisoned. Money, worthless, and brother against brother, Mother against son, killing to provide for themselves.
The streets are littered with trash and dubious. The inventions the humans loved, Now useless sitting in their homes. The Memories the families had, now washed away in the every so unsustainable atmosphere. What a waste the Earth has become, What a waste...

As I sit in a class of one, a druid slowly lectures me of the importance of my life, and i day dream about what life would be like if i were normal, and none of this happened.. "What would my life be like? Would my parents love me?" and as I question my life, I snap back to reality...
The druid hovering above my desk, Its glowing eyes glaring into my soul as if it were looking through me. Its electronic voice sounds, "You were daydreaming again!" Its voice gets slightly agitated. "The Earth is rubble, You are left. The Only one left! Need I say more?"
I shake my head, "No... pause, and ask it to start over.
The druid turns its back, and a laser aims for its memory board, A tiny missile is shot and the druid explodes. I hit the floor and a giant creature approaches, in a black suit of armor. It's weapon folds back into his cuff and he turns it's head to me.
An alarm blasts in the background and I cover my ears. It hurts so bad!
The stranger picks me up, and carries me out into the world. What is it!? More importantly! Who?
This is my first editation! Questions and or comments i will GLADLY TAKE! :D

09-28-2013 at 11:33 AM
ok, i checked it thanks, (=

09-28-2013 at 11:28 AM
I would love to read more when you write it.<br /> <br /> PS, please check your CS!!!

09-28-2013 at 11:27 AM
This sounds like it will be very good.

09-28-2013 at 11:16 AM
Cool, I will keep that in mind, and more editations will be made, Thanks so much!

09-28-2013 at 11:14 AM
Interesting idea, but I'd like to know more about the current world this kid is living in. Setting is very important to plot!


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